“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-08-17 来源:自我评价 手机版




  Learning, my academic excellence, undergraduate GPA: 86.7, graduate GPA: 93.3, twice won the school scholarship, and was recommended for admission to exemption Nankai University, I have a strong research capacity, currently involved in a country Natural Science Fund project: simulation and circuit design of traveling wave micro flow pump, as the project team leader, responsible for project planning, task assignment and checking progress, is now in the stage of simulation software, choose the best simulation program making microfluidic pump parameters, the design of new valveless piezoelectric traveling wave micro-flow pump, to provide a controlled biochemical reactions trace sample solution.

  Also I have a project team to participate in the National College Students Innovation Experiment Program in 20xx: a portable wireless body area network, is responsible for hand-held terminal PDA client application development, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 20xx: SPR multi-channel bio sensors, measurement and control circuit is mainly responsible for the C programming language.

  Practice, at the graduate level, I had two internship experience. Once in 20xx summer vacation in South ATMB Communications Network Ltd. Network Engineering, Maintenance Engineer Air Traffic Control I helped Huawei 6503 and Cisco 3550 backbone, good backbone of network monitoring and data backup, to submit periodic network security reports to ensure smooth network and information security, and Air Traffic Control to provide users with network technical support services. Another is the 20xx summer share in Guangzhou Network Technology Co., Ltd. Operations, I helped to promote the site manager, operations and customer service work, and engaged in auxiliary work site landscaping design.

  Students work in a learning-based, I also actively participate in school after-school practice. Served as President of Graduate School of Information, School of Information group deputy secretary of the Department of Student Development Association Vocational practice, multi-Long Electronics Association, the Minister of Finance and other duties, has repeatedly won the "outstanding student cadres" and "good student," the honorary title, organization including: Institute of information information parlor lectures, new Cup basketball tournament, a friendly table tennis, welcome party, recreational dance, Nankai University, the first simulation recruitment contest and other medium-sized activities; also served as information School badminton team players assist the hospital badminton team won the president's Cup badminton team competition Nankai runner. These activities cultivate my leadership organizational skills, and sense of teamwork. I believe that my future work will be a great help.


  I highly professional dedication, actively open and bright, optimistic upward, have strong communication ability and team cooperation ability. Can withstand the pressure, like challenging work and have development space. It industry is a challenging profession, with the continuous development of science and technology, it has been updated, should not only will work also will learn, I like to accept the challenge, and willing to work in this respect. And I can seriously implement the strategies of the company, obey the company leadership, work can bear hardships and stand hard work, work actively, has the good team cooperation spirit.

  Finally, I would like to summarize my job characteristics. The first is a strong sense of teamwork, good communication with people and communication; the second is the outstanding ability and learning ability; third is to do things steady, serious attitude, a certain degree of organization and coordination capacity; fourth is to consider the issue fully, carefully, things have their own clear ideas and plans. I want to go to work after the post position, I can adapt as fast as the work environment, and constantly tap their ability to improve themselves and create benefits for enterprises. I want to join XX company because I like my profession, I am also very optimistic about the future development of XX company, where I can apply their knowledge, which gives me a great sense of achievement and happiness. I also appreciate the XX company's corporate culture, like XX company's work environment. I would like to become one, the development of enterprises contribute to a force. My career goal is to be a thinker and technology, but also understands the complex talent business.


  3 years working experience in the it industry, be familiar with the motherboard of the production process, the structure and function, form and bom in engineering and other engineering documents produced has a comprehensive and detailed understanding, familiar with different kinds of chipset and function of each component of a motherboard, familiar with all kinds of test software, have strong ability of analysis and tracking bug, at the same time, the CPU, the BIOS, memory, graphics CARDS, network CARDS, storage, etc all have a more profound understanding.

  Character lively and easy, practical work seriously, honest and trustworthy, have strong ability of self-study and innovation, has the good language expression ability and strong team work spirit. In addition to have good writing ability, has repeatedly published articles and many times to participate in the composition competition and won the prize.

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