“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-08-17 来源:自我评价 手机版




  I was born in Guangxi, grew up in Guangdong, where I completed the previous study and life of my university, and now I will complete my college education in Guizhou, this experience has tempered me to adapt to different living conditions and different The ability to deal with the region.This is my place and others do not like this is more conducive to me engaged in a variety of communication more extensive work is brought up in different environments, I can speak Cantonese, Sichuan and Guizhou Words, Hakka, lively and cheerful personality, love sports, like to participate in various social activities.

  During the university, I constantly improve my ability in various aspects, get a lot of awards, College outstanding student cadres and Miyoshi students is more access to many times by the college and higher recognition, such as Qiannan Zhou Qing work advanced The sixth China Photographic Art Festival service work advanced individual and outstanding young volunteer title.Guizhou province college students psychological knowledge contest second.

  When I was a university student, I have served as the Student Union and Student Party branch secretary and other student cadre, a serious and responsible work, hard work, team awareness, a certain degree of organization and coordination. Certainly, but I also more aware of their own situation, there are many deficiencies, such as social experience, the ability to deal with social events have yet to be improved, the 21st century is the world of talent competition, I will learn and experience Of the social experience used to work to continuously improve their quality to meet the needs of social development.


  Through two years of administrative work, training a comprehensive and strong ability to work, good character and good shape, honest and pragmatic man, a serious and responsible work, a team spirit with strong organizational, communication, production collaboration, ; Adhere to the principle of strict work style, a high sense of responsibility.

  Personality straightforward, optimistic, self-confidence I, Tanzanian people, work seriously, accept and understand, love to sing, listen to music, climbing, reading, writing diaries. For their own things to do will be dedicated to their due diligence to do its best, no matter in any environment can use the shortest time to adapt.

  Good communication, good communication skills, have done real estate in Shanghai, had a good performance, independence and strong, love the sales industry optimistic, generous and cheerful, warm and pragmatic; sincere; serious and responsible work, with hard work, hard work The spirit of struggle; adaptable, have good organizational coordination ability; good at continuous learning and summary, absorption ability; thinking, quick thinking, not rigidly, there is a strong sense of innovation; in earnest life, The principle of work to live; have a positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests and hobbies; a certain degree of artistic cells and creativity, focus on teamwork and collective ideas.


  Over the past year under the leadership of the hospital leadership and X, under the careful guidance of the head nurses to complete the task of nursing work, summarized as follows:

  First, strengthen the professional and technical: in the hospital management and the "three basic three strict" six basic operation under the leadership of serious study, and very good to complete the operation, so that their basic skills have been further improved, to more Good service patients, and this into the actual work. In the past six months, I am in addition to the basic skills of hard work up and down, the hospital is still in the operation of the specialist skills excellence, holding the attitude of continuous learning and proactive.

  Second, to strengthen the service, etiquette awareness: to serve the brand building of the dawn of work, personal service, ritual awareness is also very important part. I am more stringent in this regard their own requirements, I am actively involved in this year's hospital in the relevant aspects of training, and through the hospital in the service of each examination. At work, I always remember "all the patient-centered" concept, threw himself into the work, to pay their own a modest power to the patient feel the warmth of home. In my personal efforts, I am honored to be elected head of the etiquette team, overall responsibility for the staff of the instrument appearance, I will take this opportunity to meet the challenges to update the attitude.

  3, strictly abide by the hospital discipline: do not be late, do not leave early, no reason not absent;, stick to their posts, do not work during the slapstick play, do not carry mobile phone posts; pay attention to grooming, clean clothes, hair, but shoulder, during work I also pay attention to the professional image of nurses, in the usual work, pay attention to civilized and courteous service, adhere to civilized language, courtesy, attitude, kindness, language norms.However, the use of high-heeled shoes, wear shoes,

  Fourth, actively participate in the hospital's recreational activities: in the hospital this year's major activities to actively show my ability in this area of art. Director and participated in the "5.12" Nurses Day and the dawn of the third anniversary of the celebration of the program "injection", and achieved good results. Usually I also pay attention to the cooperation between colleagues and co-produce a "home" patterns and so on.

  Someone once said. "Whoever pulls the curtain on life is a nurse, and the one who pulls the curtain of life is a nurse." Yes, who does not need the nurse's careful care and attention in the life of a person? "Nursing work is a fine "The nurse must have a sympathetic heart and a pair of hands willing to work. "So I always use my love, patient, careful and responsible to lift the patient's pain, with selfless dedication to support the weak life, re-lifted the sails of life, so that the painful face of blossoming smile, so one family Are reproduce the laughter ~ "The myth of angel beauty lies in her holiness and kindness, and white angel beauty lies in my warm and smile. "

  In the past year, once again thank the hospital leadership, nurse education, guidance, criticism and help, thanks to colleagues for their care and support. In the past, there were many progresses and improvements, and there were some shortcomings. Looking ahead, we should carry forward our own strengths and weaknesses and overcome our shortcomings.

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