“范文大全” 证明


发布时间:2020-03-22 来源:证明 手机版



  _____(聘方) 聘请_____(受聘方)为_____(职务)。双方本着友好合作的精神,同意签定并遵守本合同。合同条款如下:

  _____( the engaging party ) has engaged _____( the engaged party ) as _____( position ). The two parties in the spirit of friendship and cooperation have entered into an agreement to sign and to comply with the following terms:

  1 聘期为 ,自_____年___月___日起,至_____年___月___日止。

  The duration of service is _____, i.e. from ___/___/_____to ___/___/_____

  2 受聘方的工作任务经双方协商确定如下:




  By mutual consultations the work of the engaged party is decided as follows:




  3 聘方每月(日、年)支付给受聘方薪金¥_____并提供如下待遇(住宿、膳食费、医疗费等):

  The engaging party pays the engaged party a salary of ¥_____by month ( day, year ) and provide the engaged party:( board, medical care, etc.)

  4 双方均不得无故解除合同。

  Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient causes or reasons.

  5聘方如中途中止合同,则除按照待遇条件承担受聘方的有关费用外,还须作出如下补偿:  If the engaging party finds it imperative to terminate the contract, in addition to bearing the corresponding expenses for wages, it shall pay the engaged party_____as compensation allowance.

  6 如受聘方中途提出辞职,聘方自同意之日起即停发工资,受聘方不在享有各种待遇。  If the engaged party submits his resignation in the course of his service, the engaging party shall stop paying the engaged party the salary from the day when his resignation is approved by the engaging party, and the engaged party shall no longer enjoy the salary and benefits stipulated.


  The present contract shall come into effect on the first day of the term of service herein stipulated and cease immediately to be effective at its expiration. If either party wishes to renew the contract, the other party shall be notified before it expires. Upon agreement by both parties through consultation a new contract can be signed.

  8 受聘方同意本合同的各项条款。

  The engaged party agrees to all the articles in this contract.

  9 本合同用中、英文两种文字写成,两种文本具有同等效力。


  受t is done in Chinese and English, both versions being equally valid.

  ___/___/_____(for example: March 20, 20xx)

  The engaging party:

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