“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-05-24 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  I have a dream

  Good morning ladies and gentlemen:

  Everyone sitting here has his own dream. Martin Luther King's dream is to let all the Negro slaves not wallow in the valley of despair; Abraham Lincoln's dream is to unite all the Americans. Today I'm proud to say that I have a dream, my dream is to be a diplomat.

  If I'm a diplomat, first of all, I'll devote myself to the Taiwan issue. The majority of Chinese people strongly oppose Taiwan's independence, because we have been separated from our relations and friends for more than 50 years. As president Lincoln said: A house divided against itself cannot stand. So as a diplomat, I will try to get all the separate families reunited and shorten the distance between the hearts of two peoples. Nowadays, China plays an important economic and political role in the world, so I'm sure that I'll be able to convince big countries such as America, Britain and Russia to support our One-China policy.

  Second, I'll fight terrorism. I want to bring everlasting peace back to the human race. Terrorists are so rampant now that thousands of civilians have been killed and wounded in explosions and attacks-mothers have lost their babies; wives have lost their husbands. Terrorism imposes misery on all human beings. Everyone, no matter who he is or where he lives, is naturally anti-terrorism. So as a diplomat, I have a responsibility to ally China with all the countries fighting terrorism to free the civilians from the spiritual shackles.

  If I'm a diplomat, I'll take president Lincoln as my example-“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right!” In a word I'll dedicate all my knowledge and wisdom to sail China towards a beautiful and promising future!

  Thank you!









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