“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-05-24 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  A general dictionary defines teamwork as a "Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause unison for a higher cause people working together for a selfless purpose and so on."Applied to workplaces teamwork is a method that aligns employee mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose.

  Today there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. While the concept of teamwork and its benefits are well known and talked about it is very rare to see it being practiced truly in reality. And you may have often noticed what appears outwardly as teamwork is not really teamwork internally. Some things cannot be accomplished by people working individually. Larger more ambitious goals usually require that people work together with other people. Because of this teamwork is a desired goal of many businesses and organizations today. Projects often require that people work together in order to accomplish a common goal. Although critics often argue that in the corporate world teamwork has become an empty buzzword or a form of corporate-speak. Effective collaborative skills are necessary to work well in a team environment. As businesses and organizations become larger or more sophisticated. Many employers attempt to enhance their employees' collaborative efforts through training cross-training and workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a cohesive group and accomplish shared goals.

  Human beings are fiercely independent animals and we will always have our own opinions and independent methods of doing something. This is the way our minds are hardwired by nature. Except for a very small percentage of us sharing and collaboration with others is not exactly programmed inside each and every one of us. This is because each person is mainly concerned about his or her rewards appreciation need for power over others and so on. But teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. And it involves sacrifices sharing of rewards sharing the blame and punishments true uniformity suppression of personal opinions etc. which is not very palatable to many. It is always "What is in it for me" rather than "What is in it for us.

  In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A Teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group or team in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals.

  A 20XX national representative survey HOW-FAIR revealed that Americans think that 'being a team player' was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. This was ranked higher than several factors including 'merit and performance' 'leadership skills' 'intelligence' 'making money for the organization' and 'long hours'.

  “The old structures are being reformed. As organizations seek to become more flexible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers they are experimenting with new team-based structures”.


  The judges dear colleagues:

  Everybody is good!

  I believe that not long ago the unit of organization training to everyone left a deep impression that are in high altitude timid to conquer yourself after the joy of encouragement and warm embrace together to complete the project after the excited tears dribs and drabs are so vivid and real stayed in our memory forever. Flow through the sweat and tears we can understand the what?

  From the beginning my team is faced with many difficulties: older on average physical quality is bad the heart not neat team such as fragmented... Therefore we wryly his team named "sunset". Still we devote and participation in gradually found that team's weakness overcome difficulties strengthen communication and cooperation at the same time of brave to challenge themselves a concerted effort to complete each project.

  In big bully game our feet together formed the containment the players have different walking speed bad grasp rhythm we walked so hard. Any error the team cannot be further. Us against each other from the original suspicion eventually realized that to complete the project the heart want to go to one place time to go to one place. We try to roll up the arm to form a whole we shouted rhythm slowly have the tacit understanding try to be consistent pace although difficult but insist on comes to an end. In our understanding expand training for first as long as everyone in the team to be able to devote to complete each project has been a great success!

  And escape the walls of the project is completed let me see the potential of everyone in the group of excitation and a collective work need the tacit understanding and sacrifice. Initially for all 70 individuals in the case of can't talk to climb over 4 meters high wall of escape 2 I was skeptical I think even a person to climb this wall is impossible. When have I the idea of people may not be in the minority. In the hesitation we according to the coach teaching method into action but because the teams who violated the rules not only to stop by the coach also let the chief generation we are being punished. The drizzle our mood become very heavy involuntarily shed a tear. Second everyone seemed to have the tacit understanding pull up a ladder and protective wall and do you remember the rules no longer talk clapping laughing concentrate on what we want to do together act quickly. First up 10 best efforts of the colleagues below build a ladder with colleagues endured the pain of shoulder and legs everyone in the mind only one idea: we took a ship to sink must help all players within the given time climb walls to escape!

  This process the prism is sacrifice and cooperate. A team must be someone in silently sacrifice but the pay all the players look in the eyes in mind. Individual's success is not the success of the team only a smooth over all is the real victory so we must put our heads together in the most efficient the most appropriate way to the end of the day a colleague over the past to this end everyone to his own effort. After the completion of the project the coach announced we took only a quarter of the time at that moment everybody finally tasted the joy of victory.

  From training I also realized that each person all the time since birth not grow in the team oneself is a member of the collective the first thing to give full play to their potential trying to do their work to strengthen coordination play to their ability to innovate. Second the development of the team is the real development. Encounter a problem must focus on the wisdom of the whole team to form a unified plan then according to the plan implementation adjustment method and strategy in time to be the best. Third will not give up speaking out of turn strengthen the courage and perseverance believe you can do it. The fourth is to learn the perspective-taking standing in the other person's point of view for others change an Angle to think more understanding and more caring.

  In our successful challenge behind each project from beginning to end is the common effort of all our players. We are a whole only trust each other support each other make oneself should do a good job in every step of the way can our collective into a rich combat effectiveness the execution of the team.

  Through this training activities let I to team consciousness and personal role in the team feeling to the deep. If from the activities of the comprehension to the reasonable use of in the future work we believe that our tomorrow will be better our team will be more powerful and perfect!


  There is no perfect individual only perfect team. A philosopher once asked "how can a drop of water does not dry?" And the philosopher answered saying "put it in the sea." This short dialogue also reveals a profound truth: between individuals and others to support each other the only support from the team or others will have infinite strength. If without the support of others to you there is no group of policy strength of each member of the team we will not be able to overcome the heavy obstacles through behing XianGuan. Left the team even though you pulled out all the stops in front of difficulties will eventually be exhausted one day.

  One day I on the way home suddenly the heavy rain. People ran forward a look at a hut we rush in under the heavy rain everyone very happy: "wow lucky today just looking for a house heavy rain is coming!" You also don't concern house do not clean as long as there is like a shelter. But the house in the wind and rain to fall suddenly everyone try their best to hold it don't let it fall. I have a lot of regrets is that we need a house or a house needs us? I see more is that we need to the house.

  We identify center like this hut "such" for everyone. But at the same time also need to each of us has done his duty gave his strength she could only stand in the storm of the fierce market competition become a one hundred - year - old built to last.

  Finally let's went up from the structure of the "people" word comprehension with a grateful heart to treat people and things around so the world will be because every one of us and wonderful every one of us will become successful because the support of others. Our testing center although also gone through a journey of more than 10 years of wind and rain in the middle across a number of obstacles can go today because no matter how much difficulty the leadership of the center and we are together forever! We as young people should be more so choose one for their own development team to find a sense of belonging put their own value their mission their future combined with social trends national interests on this basis take root and grow in the team become the social people the backbone of the country.

  Believe you strategic vision believe your choice. In the provincial professional skill appraisal center this family you will get a personal development space and the most warm harbor. Is because of you to join professional appraisal will go to tomorrow's brilliant career let us all together!

  Thank you all!

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