“范文大全” 委托书


发布时间:2019-04-21 来源:委托书 手机版



  power of attorney

  principal: li juncai, female, date of birth: june 9th, 1961

  address: id number:

  attorney: li jun, female, date of birth: aug 21st, 1946

  address: id number:

  chen miao deceased on july 25th 1994.

  lin hui, chen’s wife, lives at xxxxxx, no.302 and no.303 haizhu district, guangzhou, china (property ownership certificate no. cxxxxx, xxxxx) the couple(chen miao and lin hui) share the community legally. i am chen miao’s daughter and legitimate heir. i hereby authorize li jun to be my attorney to act in my name in any way which i myself could do, with respect to the following matters:

  1. submit application to the notary public for the notarization of succession.

  2. submit application to the housing authority to register, check, amend and draw the above-mentioned property right and finish other related procedures.

  3. pay all the property tax to authorities and other fees, we hereby give our attorney the authority to convey the trust.

  4.we herein recognize all such civil legal acts performed and documents sign-ed by the attorney related to the above matters.

  the power of attorney is confirmed to be valid till the case is completed.

  _______(date), XX.


  委托人:李均采 女 1961年6月9日出生

  住址: 证件号码:

  受托人:李军 女 1946年8月21日出生

  住址: 证件号码:


  林惠是住在广州市海珠区xxxxx 302,303号房屋

  (房地产权证)编号: cxxxxx,cxxxxx号)的权属人,上述产权依法是陈苗与林惠的夫妻共有产权。

  我是陈苗的女儿,是陈苗的合法继承人 现我委托李军为我的合法代理人。


  1. 向公证机关申办继承权公证手续

  2. 向房管部门申请办理上述房屋产权登记,查验,更正和领取房屋产权证以及相关的一切手续

  3. 向有关部征纳上述房产的税务和支付一切正常费用,受委托人对上述委托事项,有转委托权,。

  4. 受委托人在办理上述事项过程中签署的一切法律文件 我均予承认。此委托书有效期为办结事项为止。

  XX年 月 日



  i,_____ (name), am the legal representative of henan road & bridge construction group co., ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint yang mei (name) as our agent. the agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for a1, a5 sections of qianfeng farm to nenjiang road, yichun to nenjiang section construction project, yichun to beian section civil engineering and beian to wudalianchi scenic section bridge engineering (project name). the agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences.

  commission period: 90 days from the expiration date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidder

  we don’t authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.

  attachment: certificate of identity of the legal representative

  bidder: henan road & bridge construction group co.ltd.

  (seal) legal representative: _____ (signature)

  post: general manager, chairman of the board

  id card no.: __________

  entrusted agent: __________

  post: staff of operating department

  i.d. card no.: __________




  委托期限:自投标人提交投标文件截止日期起计算90天 代理人无转委托权。 附:法定代表人身份证明











  power of attorney

  按照 组建、总部在意大利的aa 公司,现授权广东fk律师事务所执业律师meredith lee(执业证号: )代表我公司行使以下权利:

  aa s.p.a.(hereinafter called corporation), incorporated by the xx code and having its principal executive office in the city of bergamo, italy, hereby appoint and empower attorney meredith lee, who is a certified attorney in guangdong fk law firm, guangdong (license no. xx ), to be my agent ad item. corporation further appoint and empower the above-mentioned attorney to:

  1. 根据案件具体情况,向中国有管辖权的法院提起民事诉讼。

  1. pursuant to the actual situation and bring civil litigations to the people’s courts that have jurisdiction over the lawsuits.

  2. 在根据本授权书1授权所提起的诉讼中代表我行使诉讼程序中的全部权利和义务。特别授权:在一审、二审程序中行使包括但不限于以下权利:

  2. exercise all the rights and assume all the obligations on my behalf in the litigations that are brought according to the above 1. special agency: to exercise the following rights (including but not limited to) in the first instance and second instance on my behalf,


  a) to bring litigations and lay claims;


  b) to deliver evidences and other related documents to the courts;


  c) to sign and receive legal paper issues by the courts;


  d) to appear in the court whenever needed in the process of litigation;


  e) to apply to the courts that have jurisdiction to enforce the binding judgments, decisions, mediation documents and other legal paper;


  f) to express the opinions on the result of the cases on my behalf in verbal form as well as in written form;

  3. 该授权书可适用于在授权有效期内发生的多个诉讼行为,均有授权的效力。

  3. this power of attorney shall be applied to more than one litigations within the term of validity.

  4. 在为了授权人的利益时,被授权人可以授权他人行使被授权人因本授权书获得的部分权利。

  4. the above-mentioned attorney may, in the principal’s interests, entrust the others to exercise part of the power entrusted in this power of attorney.

  委托期限自授权委托书签订之日起至XX 年8 月30日。

  we hereby confirm that this power of attorney shall remain in full force from the date of signature to august 30, XX(m/d/y).


  in witness whereof i cause this power of attorney to be duly signed.






  the letter of authorization (power of attorney)

  i, the undersigned mr. /ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons mr./ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).

  hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.

  [signature to be authorized] [date]

  [print signature in english] [print e-mail address]

  [print full title of authorized peron] [print tel number]

  [print name of company] [company chop/seal as applicable]

  by [signature] [date]

  [print signature in english] [print e-mail address]

  [print full title of executing officer] [print tel number]

  [print address]

    • 机动车授权委托书

      【机动车授权委托书】  xx公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所:  兹授权被委托人 代表 (所有人)办理 (委托范围)业务。  机动车所有人确认:经办人在申请上述业务时签署的文件、提供的资料有效,代表机动车

    • 办理借款委托书

      委托人:_____________:身份证号:____________  代为向银行申请个人借款,与银行签订借款合同等法律性文件,办理借款合同、授权委托书等法律性文件的公证事宜(如果合同中附有强制执行

    • 公司注销委托书格式

      公司注销委托书格式范本如下:  委托方:XXX  受托方:XXX  兹有我司需办理(办理的事项)等事务,现授权委托我司员工:_______性别:_______身份证号码:_______前往贵处(司)办

    • 公司个人授权的委托书范文

      公司授权委托书范本一  兹委托***同志(身份证号码:**********)负责我公司产品的销售和结算工作,请将我公司货款转入以下开户行帐号内,由此产生的一切经济责任和法律后果由我公司承担,与贵公司无

    • 员工工资委托书

      □申请注册;□注销;□信息变更;□证书挂失;□补办;□更新;□证书与密码信封领取;□其他____________事项(入选项打“√”,不选项打“×” ):  委托人: 白__ 性别: 女 出生日期: