“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2021-06-24 来源:简历模板 手机版




  Yang Liwei is the first person to enter China into space. Male, Han nationality, Huludao City, Liaoning Province Suizhong County, university education, the Chinese Communist Party members, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Major rank, super astronauts. He served as deputy director of the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, deputy director of the manned space flight astronaut system, the incumbent China's manned space project office deputy director. He was the first generation of astronauts trained in China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee at the 17th CPC National Congress. Yang Liwei in the original air force safe flight 1,350 hours. October 15, 20xx Beijing time 9:00, Yang Liwei by the Long March II rocket carrying Shenzhou V spacecraft for the first time into space, a symbol of China's space career a big step forward, played a milestone role.

  September 15, 20xx, the Space Explorer Association 27th annual meeting in Beijing, Yang Liwei was awarded the Leonon Prize.


  In 1983, Yang Liwei admitted to the Air Force Eighth Flight Academy.

  In 1987 graduated from the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force University, received a bachelor's degree. Assigned to the Air Force Fighter Air Force Force as a pilot. In 1988 was awarded the rank of Air Force lieutenant, joined the Communist Party of China in 1988.

  In September 1995, manned space engineering headquarters by the Central Military Commission approved, from the Air Force active pilots in the selection of preparatory astronauts. In mid-April 1997, he was in the clinical medicine, aerospace physiological function indicators, psychological quality tests have achieved excellent, as one of them.

  In January 1998, he and other 13 Air Force outstanding pilots together to become China's first generation of astronauts. As the astronauts brigade under the General Armament Department, at the time to the army, by the Air Force Major to Army Major. 20xx promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, serious efforts, tirelessly.

  July 20xx, the manned aerospace engineering astronauts evaluation committee assessment, with the ability to independently perform space flight, was awarded the three astronauts qualifications. When the rank of lieutenant colonel. October 15 Beijing time 9:00, Yang Liwei by the Long March II rocket carrying Shenzhou V spacecraft for the first time into space. He and technical experts make China the third master of manned space technology in the country. On October 15th, promoted to the rank of Colonel. October 16, Yang Liwei became the national people in the eyes of the national hero.

  Before and after the Spring Festival in 20xx, promoted the rank of Colonel. On December 09, Yang Liwei received a doctorate degree in honor from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  In 20xx, Yang Liwei as the Chinese astronauts research and training center deputy director, manned space flight astronauts system deputy commander.

  In October 20xx, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

  July 22, 20xx, promoted to major rank. November 17 in Wenchang Middle School in Hainan Province, the centennial celebration as Wenchang Middle School honorary president.

  February 3, 20xx, Suzhou College hired him as honorary professor, in March China's manned space project office deputy director, May 15, he was hired by Jilin University for college students life instructor.

  In 20xx, he was elected a member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

  On March 24, 20xx, Yang Liwei was awarded the honorary doctorate degree from the University of Science and Technology of Macau.


  June 21, 1965, Yang Liwei was born in Suizhong County, Suizhong County Sui town, grew up living in the sea, childhood he has a dream, hope that one day, like a seagull, flew toward the blue sky.

  Yang Liwei childhood very much love reading, he wrote an essay "I saw Premier Zhou" was selected essays. Father Yang Deyuan, mother Wei Guilan with a middle school in the town when the teacher (father after the transfer to the county native company). Xiao Li Wei relatively weak since childhood, introverted, lack of courage. In order to change the character of small Li Wei, the annual summer vacation, my father consciously took him to climb the mountain, to the county six river to swim. Fall, take him to the mountains to climb trees to pick fruit. Since then, Xiao Liwei actually interested in adventure and sports, often with the partners Bashanshe wandering, Deng Fox Sin Dongshan visit Fox hole, to find the ruins of the temple, looking for the legendary "chain to wells." After watching the "glittering red star", "soldier Zhang Ga", "feathers letter" and other war scenes, he begged his father to help the same class of small partners to fight the Hong Ying gun, volunteered as a child head. And saw the "railway guerrillas", he has been dreaming of train drivers, but did not expect to become the first person in China's space.

  In June 1983, in his third year of high school, the Air Force recruit personnel in the local graduates in the selection of pilots, and childhood from the military dream of Yang Liwei first election to the election newspaper reported on his own name, After a rigorous selection, inspection, physical examination, surface measurement and other procedures, 18-year-old Yang Liwei officially became the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Flight Academy of a student.

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