“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2021-06-24 来源:简历模板 手机版





  Nationality: China

  Current residence: Jieyang China: Han

  Domicile: Jieyang stature: 168 cm kg

  Marital status: Single Age: 23

  Job search intention and work experience

  Talent Type: graduates

  Position: Software Engineer

  Job type: Full-time arrived to date: one week

  Salary requirements :20xx - 3500 hope that the working area: Jieyang

  Educational Background

  Graduated: Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University

  Highest Level of Education: college graduation date :20xx -07-01

  By Major: Computer Applications

  Language skills

  Foreign Languages: Fluent in English

  Mandarin level: good Cantonese: Good


  One, a man duty, practical, respect the law, attention to detail;

  2, keen on the IT industry, have strong communication, learning and compressive strength;

  3, optimistic, cheerful, likes teamwork



  Nationality: China

  Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han

  Domicile: Guangzhou stature: 160 cm kg

  Marital status: Single Age: 26

  Job search intention and work experience

  Personnel types: ordinary job

  Position: procurement, trade with the single / with a single assistant

  Job type: Full-time arrived to date: one week

  Salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope Working Area: Guangzhou

  Work Experience

  Company Name: Guangzhou Garment Co., Ltd.

  Beginning and ending date :20xx-09 ~ 20xx-05

  Company Type: Private Industry: Trading / Import & Export

  Ren Position: business with a single

  Job Description: --- responsible cowboy series model, the production of goods, shipment follow-up.

  --- Deal with guests daily incoming and outgoing mail, confirm the order details.

  --- New model costing and pricing.

  --- Material procurement.

  Educational Background

  Graduated: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade School

  Highest Level of Education: College

  Graduation date :20xx -07-01

  By Major: Business English


  I am confident and optimistic, have the right and upward values of life. The enthusiasm and enterprising, industrious and pragmatic, the courage to challenge and exploration, has the responsibility of doing things carefully, in harmony with people, good coordination and cooperation. Work, has accumulated a certain amount of work and the experience of doing things, while good at summing up experience and analysis, to make themselves continue to grow and mature.



  Miss Nationality: China

  Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han

  Domicile: Guangzhou stature: 158 cm 43 kg

  Job search intention and work experience

  Personnel types: ordinary job

  Position: Foreign Trade / Specialist / Assistant, trade with the single / with a single assistant, vouching:

  Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime

  Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Guangzhou

  A work experience

  Company Name: International Trade Group Co., Ltd.

  Beginning and ending date :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-06

  Company Type: Private Enterprise Industry: Trading / Import & Export

  Positions: Foreign vouching

  Job Description: 1. Import business operations: including opening letters of credit, bills of lading feeding, acquiring banks, helping cargo, customs clearance, delivery and other arrangements;

  2. Export business operations: including the audit letter, inspection, customs declaration card making, and negotiation document production (contracts, invoices, packing lists, etc.), and check the bill of lading shipping companies, buy insurance, handling certificate, consular certification, bank pay slips, check payment and other related matters, has made CCIB and CCPIT certificate of origin to apply for qualification;

  3 Auxiliary business unit produced all relevant documents and other matters relating to the work of supervisors accountable.

  Educational Background

  School: School of Foreign Languages, Guangzhou

  Highest Level of Education: college graduation date :20xx -06-01

  By Major: International Economy and Trade

  Self introduction

  I calm personality, quiet, shy and friendly, honest and humble, motivated, hard-working, serious and responsible, learning capacity, adaptability, responsibility, discipline, proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, proficient L / C, D / P, T / T and other import and export operation under the settlement process, document production, with good practical operation skills, I believe that many years of practical experience in import and export capable of performing related work.

    • 毕业生个人求职简历范文

        求职简历,是求职者将自己与所应聘职位紧密相关的个人信息经过分析整理并清晰简要地表述出来的求职资料。那关于毕业生个人求职简历有哪些呢?下面是范文大全小编为你整理的毕业生个人简历范文,希望对你有帮助。毕业生个人求职简历范文篇1  姓 名:韦 辉 性别:男 出生年月:1978年2月24日  井贯:××省××县 民族:壮族 政治面貌:党员  学历 本科 学位 学士 专业 汉语言文学  毕业学校 广西大学 毕业时间  电子信箱 联系电话  性格品质 朴实善良,稳重

    • 关于烟台的资料简介

        烟台市,山东省地级市,是山东半岛的中心城市之一、环渤海地区重要的港口城市,下面是范文大全小编为你整理的关于烟台的资料简介,希望对你有用!烟台市简介  烟台市,山东省地级市,是山东半岛的中心城市之一、环渤海地区重要的港口城市。地处山东半岛东北部,东连威海,西接潍坊、青岛,南邻黄海,北濒渤海,与辽东半岛对峙,与大连隔海相望。  烟台全市土地面积13745.95平方千米,海岸线长909千米,濒临渤海、黄海,有岛屿63个。辖芝罘区、莱山区、福山区、牟平区、开发区、高新区、金山港区、昆嵛山自然保护区、长岛县,以

    • 个人简历的自荐信范文5篇

        一份好的自荐信,是推销求职者自己的有力宣言。下面是由范文大全小编分享的个人简历的自荐信范文,希望对你有用。个人简历的自荐信范文(一)  尊敬的领导:  您好!  感谢您在百忙中抽空翻阅我的自荐材料,我是xxxx大学经济与政治学院经济学专业XX届毕业生。本人久慕贵公司盛名,深知贵公司实力雄厚、工作氛围活跃、工作态度严谨、极具活力。若能用我所学的知识,为贵公司效力将是我无尚的光荣。希望我的毛遂自荐,能为贵公司奉献我的绵薄之力。  在大学四年里,我认真系统地学习了经济学专业的基础知识和专业技能,重点学习了企

    • 计算机专业毕业生个人简历范文

        在求职中,一份好的简历往往能为自己在面试的时候加不少分。由此可见,求职不单单是你有能力,有才华就能横行霸道的地方。往往,那些能力那么好,才华没那么出众,但在简历上下了不少功夫的人机会更大。  个人基本简历  姓名:  黄先生 性别:  男  民族:  汉 目前所在地:  武汉武昌  年龄:  23 户口所在地:  梧州岑溪  婚姻状况:  未婚  求职意向及工作经历  应聘职位:  人力资源类、 咨询|顾问、 酒店管理  人才类型:  两者均可 职称:  暂无  工作年限:  0 可到职日期:  三个

    • 中学生个人简历范文_有关中学生的个人简历

        一份吸引人的个人简历,是中学生个人求职者获取面试机会的敲门砖。下面是范文大全小编整理的中学生个人简历范文,以供大家阅读。中学生个人简历范文(一)  姓  名: x小裤  国  井: 中国  目前住地: 广州  民  族: 汉族  户 籍 地: 广西  身高体重: 158 cm 48 kg  婚姻状况: 已婚  年龄: 39 岁  求职意向及工作经历  人才类型: 普通求职  应聘职位: 仓库管理员:仓管主管 、 餐饮/娱乐管理:PA主管 、 质量检验员/测试员:质检  工作年限: 10 职  称: 无