“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-03-15 来源:简历模板 手机版

  "With a resume that leverages your talents and showcases your career achievements, you could have a uniquely competitive position in the marketplace," says resume expert Wendy Enelow, author of more than 25 books on resume writing. Try these tips to help recession-proof your resume:

  “一份能够充分发挥你的才智、显示你的成就的简历可以让你在市场上有独特的竞争优势。”简历专家Wendy Enelow说,他在简历方面的著作超过25本。在经济低迷时期,试试以下方法来突出你的简历:


  Customize Your Resume 定制你的简历

  Surveys find that the majority of resumes received by hiring managers do not match job openings. In one survey, 92 percent of recruiters said they're swamped with irrelevant resumes. Simply customizing your resume will put you miles ahead of the crowd.


  Every resume you send out needs to be targeted to the job you want. Focus your resume on your qualifications, achievements, skills and experience that specifically match the job's requirements. And leave out unrelated work experience.


  Some people restate the job's requirements in their summary of qualifications or objective. While it's good to nail all the essentials, vary the wording and add your own touch. Mirror the job description without just copying it.


  Brand Yourself 树立你的个人品牌

  What can you do to distinguish yourself from your competition? "The answer," says Enelow, "is a branding statement that highlights your unique value proposition; the one thing that you do better than anything else." If you were an IT manager, she says, your headline and branding statement might read something like this:



  Designing next-generation technologies that consistently out-perform and out-innovate the competition


  Think about what sets you apart from the crowd. How are you better? What do you offer that others don't? Identify your unique brand and use your resume to sell it.


  Show Your Value 显示你的价值

  Job applicants need to show they can meet the increased needs of a company that might be struggling with its own bottom line. Employers are looking for people who can create business, bring in customers, boost revenues, open new markets, improve quality and help them thrive

  (or at least survive).


  Quantify the business you think you can bring a company. If you come with a Rolodex packed with potential contacts, those connections could be a goldmine to an employer. Highlight how many potential clients and connections you have at your fingertips.


  Be the Solution 解决问题

  Employers are expecting more for less money right now. Some employers are rolling two or three jobs into one. It's a buyer's market.


  Read between the lines of job descriptions to figure out what employers are looking for. Then use your resume to show your track record of filling diverse roles and juggling numerous tasks. Make it clear that you're willing to take on additional responsibilities. (You have to be willing to follow through on this if you get the job, of course.)


  Tweaking your resume in just the right ways can help it rise to the top of the resume pile.


    • 英文简历常见通病

        英文简历格式和页面  记得调整字体和大小,有些人的简历除了不同颜色以外还用不同字体,就像是在不同网站上粘贴过来的,非常不专业。  Word本身带有拼写检查,你这里满页都是红线,我这里看到的也都是红线  简历最好不要超过3页,言语要精简,最忌讳像论文一样,但是没有重点。  写完后一定要去页面设置去除多余的空白页面,或者是orphan和widow现象,也就是单句的句子在页面的最上面,最好是合并到前一页  英文简历用词  很多人喜欢在写职责范围的时候写上“Be responsible for &

    • 英文简历单词之教育程度篇

        education 学历  educational background 教育程度  educational history 学历  curriculum 课程  major 主修  minor 副修  educational highlights 课程重点部分  curriculum included 课程包括  specialized courses 专门课程  courses taken 所学课程  courses completed 所学课程  special training 特别训练  s

    • 简历写作要素

        1、基础信息:只需要介绍求职者的个人信息,如:姓名、性别、出生时间、学历、毕业时间、联系方式和个人邮箱。  职业发展顾问指出,简历是求职者应对求职的第一道门槛,一定要提炼有效信息,与求职无关的内容不要出现在简历上,特别是不要出现在“基础信息”简历首个版块上。  2、求职意向:这是比较关键的一个版块,主要介绍你未来职业的目标定位,应聘单位会通过你的职业定位明确你的发展方向是否与公司招聘职位吻合。在语言组织上要提炼关键字,不要使用过多平淡语气去描述。  3、自我介绍:主要是通过一些

    • 英文简历怎样才能吸引人

        1. Search job boards and the websites of employers that appeal to you. Print out the job postings that you're interested in pursuing before you apply.  搜索那些吸引你的雇主的工作网站。在你申请之前将那些吸引你的职位的工作要求打印出来。  2. Use a highlighter to mark the keywords and industry

    • 千万别这样写简历

        简历不要有拼写错误  在寄出简历前,应检查一下是否有排版、拼写、语法错误,在使用文字处理软件时,使用拼写检查项并请你的朋友来检查你可能忽略的错误。不要为了省钱使用低廉质粗的纸张,更不要用已使用过的纸张,注意简历上不要沾到水渍、咖啡渍。  字体不要过小  不要压缩版面,把字体缩小到别人难以阅读的程度。如果你需要用两页纸来完成简历,请清楚、完整地把你的经历和取得的成绩表现出来。  不要给简历“注水”  不要虚构日期或职务名称试图掩盖你的职业空白期,或频繁更换工作或你实际从事的是较低