“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-02-24 来源:简历模板 手机版



  Wesley C. Warwick

  874 Elliott Street

  Dover, NH 03820

  Phone: 603-534-2738

  Email ID: wesley.


  Executive-level position with responsibilities in Customer Relations and Technical Support.


  Project Management, Leadership and Team Management.

  Product Development (Software,Documentation,QA)

  Process Improvement.

  International Customer Services and Support Operations

  Quality Management as well as Service Delivery Systems


  Directed the technical support and customer service for a $150M software company.

  Devised a global strategy for improving international service.

  Negotiated contracts in terms of service with Fortune 500 companies.

  Managed the delivery of simultaneous products including the introduction of new innovative technologies.

  ABC Corporation, Houston, TX

  Director of Customer Relations, 1997 - Present

  Provided strategic direction and operations management for the customer service division of a reputed multinational software company.

  XYZ Software, Houston, TX

  Director of Customer Service, 1993 - 1997

  Directed all aspects of client relations and technical support.


  University of Texas, Austin, TX

  B.A., Business Administration, 1993


  Member - Texas Customer Service Association

  Member - American Technical Society

  Selected Publications & Presentations

  Protecting Your Company's Server, presentation, New York, NY, 6/01

  Customer Service in the New Century, presentation, Paris, France, 4/00

  Technical Brainstorming, article, Houston Chronicle, 11/11/99

  Understanding the Service Industry Concepts, article, Business Weekly, 8/02/98


  Made available on request. 

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