“范文大全” 发言稿


发布时间:2020-02-19 来源:发言稿 手机版




  Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon.

  I'm Xu Ruipeng, from Jinan Foreign Language School International Centre.

  Like my fellow recipients, I feel greatly honoured to receive the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award. I regard this as not only a milestone in my high school years, but also a confirmation of my abilities and past efforts. Indeed, I believe that all students have tried their best in these examinations. So, what exactly makes us stand out? My answer is, communication.

  So, what is communication then? According to my personal experiences, the term communication may be divided into three major sub-divisions, which are expression, discussion and evaluation. Even though these abilities will not only provide you with efficiency in daily studies and important examinations but also be beneficial to you in terms of social communication, I didn't recognise the significance of these until I studied the A-Level Information Technology course.

  I have a variety of interests. However, before I entered high school, I liked to describe myself as a 'sole worker' due to the fact that all of my interests such as playing the flute or playing chess would only require me to work independently and try to be an expert in these fields, rather than making use of the benefits of communication.

  Later on, during my studies, the need for high-quality expression lay before me when I began to show interest in reading and writing poetry. I was amazed by the beauty of language and fascinated by foreign literature. Fortunately, at the same time, I had the opportunity to be a member of Jinan Foreign Language School International Centre, studying Cambridge International A-Level courses and trying to maintain these interests. But only then did I find it challenging since A-Levels require a range of abilities such as comprehending and evaluating multiple case studies, expressing coherent arguments, managing time effectively, as well as being enthusiastic for the courses you selected. By the end of my first year in the centre, I had developed a thorough passion for data analysis. Hence, my desire to study information technology was enhanced.

  Frankly, there were times when I struggled in studying this subject as it contains the most up-to-date knowledge in relation to a wide range of subjects such as economics and sociology. It was obvious that one would find it impossible to acquire all the knowledge they needed to learn without group work and discussions. Hence our teacher divided topics into small tasks and assigned them to each student individually. Later on, students would be required to give presentations and discussions regarding their research based on the assigned tasks. The rest of the class would be asked to provide valuable evaluation in the form of feedback, which would be helpful for our communication skills as well as critical thinking. In this way, all students including me would benefit from group work and discussions. Therefore, my personal effort would not burst into bloom without communicating with other brilliant people in and outside of my class.

  Now, I would like to give my sincerest thanks to the Cambridge Assessment International Education for organising such a wonderful event, giving me the opportunity to receive this award and deliver a speech today. I would also like to thank all the teachers and people who gave me guidance and encouragement during my studies. I also want to share this happiness with my parents for their invaluable support throughout my high school life.

  Many roads lead to SUCCESS, communication is just one of the shortcuts that I choose. At the end of my speech, I want to give my sincerest wishes to all of us: we shall meet again in our final destination of success!

  Thank you and have a lovely day!

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