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The Youth Olympic Games

发布时间:2016-07-08 来源:初中一年级作文 手机版
in my eyes, the youth olympic games is a good opportunity to show our chinese culture, i hope that in the green olympic will be held when i stared at niu da's eyes far gaze when youth flame lit at the moment, let me be full of excitement. one time, the flame is like the seeds of life, boarding in the hearts of people, make people feel fresh!

i look forward to the youth olympic games must be a just, peaceful green olympics, the fair, not only refers to the compromise and justice, all players will have to fair correct attitude to the game, with the other players were competitive, must have a "friendship first, competition second".in the sports play the spirit of friendship, after harvest efforts do not be proud, to better attitude to correct yourself, improve yourself.but sometimes in sports to harvest more failure and disappointment, but it does not get success and happiness, but even so, absolutely can not do some violate the rules of ideas.we should not be jealous of these champions psychological.only when we fail to learn strong, learn to do more efforts to learn the strengths of others, and improve their own weakness.

but sometimes when failure with you, you should encourage the other contestants won the first, but is not in others curse others names behind others, in the side of cheering for others.

for their own youth olympic games, let us join hands together, create a peace, justice of the youth olympic games, be a good host, let the chinese civilization in the world!

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