“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-04-06 来源:自我评价 手机版




  My name is xx, the job competition is XX bank integrated teller, to the post written examination of the results of the first X entered the interview.Once in the school to participate in a bank internship, during the internship in strict accordance with the standards of formal banks to ask themselves. I study in depth, and they get along well with them to learn a variety of knowledge of language teaching, to master a certain bank skills, but also a certain understanding of the work of the bank to find their own bank to learn a set of methods.

  Another job candidates not only have a wealth of banking expertise, but also a noble sentiment. Therefore, in the book, I pay great attention to their comprehensive development, extensive training their hobbies, and learn expertise, but also sing, will say, talk. In the focus on knowledge learning at the same time I also pay attention to cultivate their noble moral character, consciously abide by the law, abide by social morality and professional ethics, no bad habits and behavior. I think these are a financial workers should have the most basic literacy.

  At the same time, in the internship, the banks around the selfless dedication of the spirit and innocence, thirst for knowledge, diligent learning attitude deeply infected me. I also deeply appreciate the fun and significance of being a bank, and strengthened my determination to be a bank. Being a bank has become my wish.

  If I pass the interview and become a member of a large number of bank staff, I will continue to study hard and work hard for my hometown education to contribute their own strength, and never live up to the bankers of this profession.


  I am very honored to be here today for an interview and an opportunity to ask and study with the examiners. I am applying for the post of banker in your organization, because I have a strong interest in sales, especially in the financial industry. At the same time through this interview can also show my own to everyone, I hope you can remember me, the following is my interview self-introduction.

  I like to read books and surf the Internet information, lively and cheerful personality, can care about the people and things around, and family and friends to get along, can understand and understand. Forgive, I am full of confidence in life. I have worked in the **, in the company has worked in different positions, I began to work in **, then the company needs to **, a certain social practice experience, at work to achieve some of the results, but also The company's recognition. Through years of work I learned a lot of knowledge, but also cultivated my tenacity and indomitable fighting spirit, so that I can continue to work to overcome difficulties, proactive.

  Joining the ranks of sales people is a strong desire I have for many years, and I realize that the relationship between people and work is built on the basis of self-awareness, and I feel my passion has not been excited to the highest, I love My job, but everyone is constantly seeking to achieve better results, my self-perception makes me feel that the sales staff is a correct choice, which will strengthen my confidence in sales and determination. Will do a good job selling to the company to bring income, not only in their own material to improve, more importantly, my life because of my choice and wonderful.


  I have never given up learning theoretical knowledge and business knowledge since I joined the work. Since I graduated from Finance School is a secondary school, just work I use my spare time self-study college, and graduated in xx years, but I am not satisfied with the status quo, and in xx years self-study Northeastern University financial undergraduate, due to hard work, The teacher fully affirmed by the study, is currently actively preparing for thesis defense.

  Not only to master and improve the financial knowledge, but also has a certain theoretical level, fully meet the standards of undergraduate students. Learning theory, more research business, the financial knowledge learned into the work to make the business level continues to improve, and in xx years to participate in the national intermediate economist qualification examination, passed the same time was hired as an intermediate division. In the years of business knowledge examination, each accounting business qualification examinations have reached a level.

  I have a dozen times on behalf of XX Bank participated in the activities of the city organization, such as: xx city organized by the regional business knowledge competition, and won the collective third; xx years of youth in the reform Xx year xx line in the implementation of CIS project to improve the quality of service lecture, the first three years of the "three-party" and the "three- Access to speech awards and so on. It is because I actively organize and participate in the activities of the League, the line in recognition of my work performance at the same time appointed I have served as the Communist Youth League organization members, Communist Youth League Secretary, responsible for organizing grass-roots organizations. And has won xx years advanced workers; xx union activists; xx years advanced workers; xx service model; xx years advanced workers, etc. honorary title.

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