“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-03-24 来源:自我评价 手机版




  A, moral aspects: I have great respect for the teacher in the school, no matter meet what a teacher, I can take the initiative to say hello to the teacher. I can unite classmates in the class, take the initiative to help students. Love of labor, and actively take part in Labour's on duty. Don't hit people, don't say rude words, don't damage the public property of the school, protect public health.

  Learning discipline: in class, I was listening, do not speak little words, don't do little affectations, write down every word the teacher speak in the in the mind, to each question put forward by the teacher, I think hard, then raise hand to answer the teacher's question. I can serious finish class, I seriously to do homework every day, found the error correction in a timely manner. So, I study achievements have a great progress in all the subjects.

  Three, health: in school, I can see litter the initiative to pick it up and threw it into the bin. Every day after school, I have to clean the desks tidy up, pick up the garbage under the desk and chair clean. When you eat at noon, I can do to wash your hands before meals, clean the table after dinner, just go out to have a rest.

  Four, speech aspects: in class, I listen attentively, when the teacher to ask questions, I always think positively, then lifted up his hand, carefully answer teacher's question. Because I think positive answer the teacher's question is a hard learning performance.


  I thought aspirant, sociable, honest, prudent, good classmates. Treat study, have sufficient self-confidence, the thought is agile, willing to study, have a great improve independent learning ability, but I always feel I has a paragraph of distance with the class. May I dare to question you, speak up, into the arms of the collective, in the collective exercise, grow up!

  I learn more steadfast, always so diligent, when labor things between classmates, I often walk away. I found no, as long as you work hard, I can write the word beautiful, let the mind more think about the problem, I can draw a satisfactory answer, work hard, I am a smart student!

  I am a cute girl, respect me, with his classmates, recess can do meaningful games, and students can take good care of trees and flowers, keep the classroom clean, learning, the work can actively raise your hand to speak in class, carefully to complete the classroom practice, hope I do things carefully again, so beautiful eyes to see what to see clearly, don't try so hard!

  I am a very lovely obedient girl, work steadfast, has the strong sense of responsibility, better able to complete work on duty, love the school life, ready to help others, credit. Learning is more active, but also take an active part in track and volleyball team, can manage themselves, I hope I write more careful, strive for better results!

  I am a clever brave child, respect and love, I can assist management class, I am serious and responsible work, get along well with classmates, know self-effacing, don't care about personal gain and loss, will power is strong, can bear hardships and stand hard work, love Labour, health, learning consciously earnestly, bold to speak in class, positive thinking, and finish the exercise in good condition, good grades, I hope I can do not influence others in class, and personal practice independently, and make a child believe his honesty. My temperament and gentle, honest and trustworthy, respect teachers, unite classmates, behavior culture, learning seriously, have sufficient self-confidence, have a certain spirit, have a great improve independent learning ability, may I have the courage to correct faults, a lot of effort, never cease!


  (a) I take good care of public environment in this semester, pay attention to personal hygiene, speak civilization, polite, respect teachers, love class, unite care about students, to get to school on time to class, do not miss, do not be late, conscientiously abide by the classroom discipline and actively speak in class, study hard, listen attentively in class, finish the homework in all the subjects. But there are some careless when finish the homework, I'll work harder in the future study, correct deficiencies, strive to achieve better results. I want to join the study, discipline, and moral character of comparison.

  (2) in this semester I can respect your teachers, meet every teacher initiative to say hello. Cherish the public property of the school, public health, and actively assist the teacher to do something useful. Unite classmates, can finish all the homework, actively speak in class.

  I think the contestant in this semester is the star of the star of the health and progress. In the new semester, I will continue to maintain the good study habits, trying to get rid of inattentive in class, write slow ring habit of not serious. Strive for in the new semester to do a moral, intellectual, physical beauty comprehensive development of children. Liu thank you for your concern and encouragement to me, I will work hard.

  (3) of this semester I respect teachers, unite classmates, bold to speak in class, take an active part in extracurricular activities, this term also took part in the school band. Won the first prize in the international dance competition in Hong Kong. Learning has a great progress, to get rid of a class occasionally speak little trouble so much the better.

  (4) since this term, to observe the elementary student code of conduct and regulations of the school. Listen attentively in class, and actively speak, finish your homework on time. Respect teachers, unite classmates, take good care of public property, love of labor. Existing deficiency is not strict with themselves, sometimes love speak little words in class, study on carelessness. In future study, I want to develop their own advantages, shortcomings and do a virtue, wisdom, body, beauty, all-round development of primary school children. In addition, I want to thank liu to my concern and teach, you were laborious.

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