“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-03-17 来源:自我评价 手机版




  I am full of love and patience, work carefully, with strong communication skills, with a high sense of responsibility, which is necessary for nursing work. Be able to work in a serious and responsible, proactive, good team work, to obey the leadership of the arrangements, to take the initiative to complete the work, and strive to do our best. In the work can continue to learn, and strive to improve their care skills. Through the hard work during the school, mastered a solid medical knowledge and professional skills. Internship, in different positions on duty, practical, earnestly complete each task, holding on themselves, the patient is responsible for the attitude of the work more deepened understanding of the medical industry, but also exercise the professional skills, rich The experience for the better after the work laid a more solid foundation. I love to care for this profession, if I have the honor to become a staff of your hospital, I will use my knowledge and ability to work steadily, for the development of the unit due diligence, to be a qualified white angel. With their greatest strength to reduce the suffering of patients, the patient's health and smile is the greatest return to me.

  To be skilled in the operation of the basic operations, such as intravenous fluids, oxygen, catheterization, enema, gastrointestinal decompression. Master cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid technology, will use micro pumps, ECG monitoring and other advanced medical equipment operation. According to the changes in vital signs to take appropriate measures, and master the skills of communication with patients.


  I am cheerful, friendly, attitudinal modest, cautious, strong sense of responsibility, their attention to detail, tolerant attitude towards others, and people can do empathy, good communication, can better grasp the handling of nurse-patient relationship. Adaptability, studious, practical work hard, the courage to meet the challenge.

  Skilled master of the clinical skills related operations such as venipuncture, ventilator and ECG monitor use, on internal and external, women, children, and other departments of common diseases and frequently-occurring disease have a certain ability to care

  To be skilled in the operation of the basic operations, such as intravenous fluids, oxygen, catheterization, enema, gastrointestinal decompression. Master cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid technology, will use micro pumps, ECG monitoring and other advanced medical equipment operation. According to the changes in vital signs to take appropriate measures, and master the skills of communication with patients.


  Sincere and cordial: interpersonal harmony, good communication with people and has a good team spirit of collaboration. In the school period has been strict demands on themselves, excellent academic performance, have good language skills. Love life, optimism, while adhering to the "talent" important "moral" more important principles of life.

  Diligent, positive: During the school, I earnestly study each course and with excellent results through the examination of the course, has received third-class scholarship. In the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University and the People's Liberation Army 261 Hospital internship, I actively to the seniors and experts and professors to ask for advice, learned a lot of clinical nursing knowledge, access to hospitals and patients alike, in the stage evaluation was Rated as excellent.

  Focus on practical life: not only focus on a variety of knowledge learning, pay more attention to the cultivation of practical ability, through active participation and organization of classes, community activities, and actively participate in clinical nursing practice, the constant pursuit of overall quality improvement. College life to teach me not only knowledge, but also a strict way of thinking, a positive attitude towards life. University for three years is my continuous climbing process, there is success, there are failures, but both success and failure for me is a harvest. I have the courage to overcome the difficulties and the courage to accept the challenge will certainly be able to care system, to find their own coordinates of life.

  I am very passionate about the medical profession. I have studied the courses seriously and actively exchanged my learning experiences with the teachers and students. I have actively helped the teachers and students to finish the work in the class. In order to better grasp the nursing knowledge, skilled practice, I also internship at the local hospital, which for me after the formal internship laid the foundation, accumulated a lot of experience. Last year I officially went to the PLA 264 Hospital internship, internship period I am not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, insist on early retirement, earnestly complete the task assigned by the teacher, care technology has reached the standard requirements, And the hospital staff to get along well. In addition, my gentle personality, the patient is very patient, able to deal with nurse-patient relationship well, get a lot of patients.

  My thinking is positive, optimistic and cheerful personality, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments and into which, and be able to master the hospital's medical operations. In the future I will be more efforts, strict demands on themselves, and constantly improve their level of care, to become a good nurse.

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