“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2021-05-20 来源:自我介绍 手机版




英文自我介绍 篇1

  Good morning, dear professors.

  It is my honor to have the opportunity for this interview.

  First of all, let me introduce myself briefly. My name is melanie, with 22 years old. I was born in Huzhou, a city near to TaiHu lake, north of ZheJiang provice. Perhaps some traditional culture atmosphere, that gives me some steady personal characters and a meticulous work attitude.

  To be a doctor is my dream when I was a child. So I selected the major of clinical medicine four years ago, without any hesitations. I know it's very hard to be an excellent doctor with clinical medicine, however I never regret my selection.I like these words written by a doctor in her blog"I'm not an angle, but I hope I need a heart like angle; I can't save all dying people, but I'm willing to give wings to the patients ,helping them recovering". To realize my dream, in the past four years, I am studying and practising hard, helping me lay a solid theoretical foundation, and improving my clinical competence. Beside, I have the propose improving my overall quality, looking at things in a stride way and getting up the responsibilities on my shoulder. In the past four years, I pass the CET 4 and 6, and win the siyuan scholarship and "outstanding student " every academic year.

  Finally, I want to say I'm an aggressive man .I always believe that one will easily lay behind unless he keeps on learning in this competitive modern world. Of course, if I am given a chance for advanced studies in this famous University, I believe I would never fail your expectation. I'll try my best to study and learn from both theories and practices so as to cultivate myself to be experienced and skilled. And I am a person easy to get alone. I think not only do I have the ability to accomplish a task alone, but also can I get well alone with others.

英文自我介绍 篇2


  From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.cho.icxo .

  “Being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that.

  I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment.

英文自我介绍 篇3

  Distinguished judges, how are you! I'm xx, examinee xx, from xx.

  First of all, thank you very much, judges, gave me a chance to show themselves platforms, to realize my ideal. I am a cheerful, the hobby widespread girl. Since I have a wish, after be brought up must do an excellent broadcast host, as time goes on, blossom, I also slowly growing up, and that desire is increasingly intense, like farmers with the same, to the broadcast management hoe this one job more fondness. I graduated from XXX university English the broadcast and the management art majors and is currently in the XXXX university studying XXXX degree. Professional knowledge accumulation and multicultural experience gave me the character, in persorality study 12 years, I learn math teaching, and meanwhile continuously from the sea of knowledge is widely draw nutrition, to enrich himself, enhance their abilities, improve their understanding, so as to better grasp the future, to realize my ideal. As with the voice of lithe and graceful singer to express their feelings, just like dancer with lissom dance to interpret their own beliefs, and I will use my voice to deliver me to broadcast hosted ChiAi. I sincerely hope oneself can be a communication's messengers, build up a connection between China and the world, TV audience and Bridges, let the communication more smooth, life is full of harmony,

  I know, the road of success, and not problem-free, although be full of thorns, but I also: the horns, marches forward courageously, clutching their dreams do not put, stubborn waiting, sincere expectation. And I hope to give me a chance, in higher, more sacred knowledge institution in further into the butterflies, and this cocoon into dance, close unlimitedly the broadcast management that copy of guanghua and glory. From what I have learnt, through my voice, to convey zhongyuan people open enthusiasm, let the world to hear the new century Chinese voice and voice.

英文自我介绍 篇4

  Hello,my name's Annie.I'm thirteen years old.I live in Shanghai.I have long hair and two small ears.I have a piar of big eyes.And I have a small nose and a small mouth.

  I'm very tall and thin.I'm in Class One Grade Six.My birthday is on January the first.I like dogs.I have a dog,its name is Bobo.It is very lovely and it is white.I often play with it.

  I like sport.My favourite sport is play tennis.I can play tennis very well.My favourite subject is Chinese.I often help my classmates.I'm a sunny girl.

英文自我介绍 篇5

  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce myself briefly. My name is - graduated from xianning south gate private secondary school. Now he is studying in hubei tourism school. Study hotel management. I am a cheerful girl, so I have a wide range of interests. Love sports. I like playing basketball, table tennis, volleyball and skating in my spare time. When a person at home likes to surf the Internet, or listen to music. I don't like too long immersed in the world of books, my family has told me that the combination of work and rest is the best. Speaking of my family, I'm going to talk about my family. There are only three people in my family, my grandma, grandpa and myself. My grandfather is an engineer. He is very strict with me and teaches me a lot of things. Grandma is a kind old man who takes good care of my life. So without my parents, I was happy with my childhood and growing up under their care. I like hotel management because I like living in an environment with strict management order. I am full of confidence and hope for my major, as long as I work hard, I will have harvest. This is my motto. Now that I have chosen this major, I will follow my path, diligently and persistently. Thank you, teachers. That's all for my introduction.

    • 有关班主任自我介绍汇总六篇

      有关班主任自我介绍汇总六篇   当到达一个新的环境后,我们难以避免地要作出自我介绍,自我介绍可以拉近我们与陌生人的关系。那么什么样的自我介绍才合适呢?以下是小编精心整理的班主任自我介绍6篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。班主任自我介绍 篇1 同学们:  大家好!本学期呢,由我来担任咱们二(2)班的班主任兼数学老师。今年是我第一年担任班主任,我感到非常荣幸,同时也感到很高兴可以在接下来的日子里跟大家一起学习一起进步。  我的名字叫做xxx,以后你们有什么事情,只要你乐意,都可以找我聊聊。另外,老师还有一条座右

    • 【热门】学生自我介绍范文五篇

      【热门】学生自我介绍范文五篇   当到达一个陌生的环境后,我们有必要对自己进行适当的介绍,自我介绍可以唤起他人对我们的兴趣。怎么写自我介绍才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编为大家整理的学生自我介绍5篇,欢迎大家分享。学生自我介绍 篇1   1、需要介绍基本资料如姓名性别出生年月民族政治面貌学历英语能力联系方式等等  2、属建筑工程的专业(例如:工民建、工程管理、工程监理、给排水等等)  3、所学科目(例如:工程测量建筑制图结构力学建筑材料项目管理等等)  4、生产实习介绍(X年X月—X年X月曾在XX实习实习情况)

    • 实用的1-2分钟自我介绍三篇

      实用的1-2分钟自我介绍三篇   当到达一个新的环境后,我们通常会被要求作自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以让他人了解我们。写自我介绍可不能随随便便哦,下面是小编精心整理的1-2分钟自我介绍4篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。1-2分钟自我介绍 篇1   我叫陈小桦,今年9岁了。我的性格胆小如鼠,画画是我最大的兴趣。同学们都说我有一张樱桃似的小嘴,笑起来的时候,脸上就出现了一对小酒窝,可甜了!  说自己胆小如鼠,是因为我在天黑的时候,完全不敢自己一个人呆在家了。还记得有一次,我自己一个人呆在家里看电视,后来想去房间

    • 主持人大赛自我介绍模板集合7篇

      主持人大赛自我介绍模板集合7篇   来到一个新的地方后,通常需要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍是认识自我的手段。到底应如何写自我介绍呢?以下是小编精心整理的主持人大赛自我介绍7篇,欢迎大家分享。主持人大赛自我介绍 篇1   尊敬的各位评委老师和在座支持全国校园双语20xx主持人大赛的朋友:  您们好!  首先对你们的到来表示感谢,我是今天的主持人吴xx是您们的到来才让我有幸站在这美丽的舞台。  我来自科大附小、今年十二岁,九月份我将成为北外附中的一名初中生。我出生在的美丽的xx。我喜欢画画,就像达芬奇一样,我

    • 【精华】新员工自我介绍模板六篇

      【精华】新员工自我介绍模板六篇   当去到一个新环境下,我们难以避免地要作出自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的欣赏。写起自我介绍来就毫无头绪?下面是小编为大家整理的新员工自我介绍6篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。新员工自我介绍 篇1   尊敬的各位领导,各位前辈:  大家好!  我叫,家在甘肃天水,今年刚刚从陕西师范大学法学专业毕业。我性格开朗,容易与人相处;做事认真并善于总结,乐于与他人交流。  能够应聘到国虹工作我倍感荣幸,而能来到采购部工作,我不知道用哪些更恰当的词语来表达自己的欣喜之情。  首先,请