“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2021-01-16 来源:自我介绍 手机版





Dear teacher leadership:

  Hello, everyone. My name is Wang Yanru, from the BEihua University Department of preschool education in grade 09class one, is currently the university the fourth grade students. I was a lively and cheerful, generous girl, my hobby is widespread, I like singing, dancing, playing the piano, painting, making friends and so on it, my specialty is singing and dancing music. Said the following about my experiences during the school, I served as a mass organization Federation speech and Eloquence Association the speech department minister, student union Deputy Minister of Arts, chairman of the Association Federation and other duties, participated in many large and small performances, who participate layout planning, have stronger organization and leadership skills, once to obtain excellent League member, outstanding cadres and "three good" student "title, won several class two and three scholarships, there are a variety of game certificate, such as the National Youth Singer Competition Gold Award, Jilin City Art Star Competition Gold Medal and so on.

  For my specialty of preschool education, I love, I feel it to show my various aspects of expertise, can let me see your ability most incisive play comes out, can also further enhance their own ability, increase their professional knowledge. Through the four years of study, I can use more professional approach to sing, can show a beautiful dance, can pop out more beautiful piano piece, can have a more profound professional knowledge, I feel that my university four years is benefited from four years.

  For I am about to engage in early childhood teacher, I think to be a childrens teacher, first of all must have the compassion, patience, sense of responsibility. Teachers must love children, love and children together, to love themselves more work. Only in this way, the work up to have power, will be selfless giving, to do a good job. After all, what we face is the child, they are a series of white paper, waiting for us to fill with love. But only love is not enough, must have patience. Childrens understanding, thinking ability and ability is limited.


  I graduated from Teachers College xx kindergarten teaching, 21 years old, loving and responsible, for the different stages of child care, individualized to target children.

  I have worked in China West Normal University, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province subsidiary kindergarten, kindergarten and Chengdu in Sichuan Province Mingshan salt Thistle Melody International Foreign Language School Kindergarten kindergarten three were one to two months of internship, and later in Salt Thistle Foreign Language Primary School for a month, the kindergarten teaching internship during the patient can be completed together with the children to learn and play, and active concern and assistance in their daily lives. not only taught children to learn textbook knowledge, but also focus on developing their learning interested in organizing activities to foster team work ability and the capacity so that each student can fully demonstrate their own to play their own advantages. I am at work motivated, hard—working, in practice a lot of growth has enriched my professional and learned more and more practical knowledge, and also received teacher—led praise. Course work in the future, I would like to continue to learn and improve themselves. Please give me a chance to lead, I will move to prove my ability!


  My plan for the future is that I would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice, making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust. I like English very much.with this idea, I want to combine my love for children with my ability of English together,so I can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things I enjoy doing.

  I consider myself with rich potential of qualifying out as a good English teacher.I have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.And I would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing English teaching method,students would learn English through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say. I am also very open—minded and easy—going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.And of course I am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.

  I believe Ive said quite enough of myself. I hope you now know more about me than just now. I would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.I thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you.

  I am looking forward to hearing good news from you.

  Thank you !


Distinguished judges teachers:


  i was xx of candidates xx from xx

  first of all, thank you judge a teacher, gave me an opportunity andplatform to display themselves, to achieve my ideal. i am a cheerful,poad-loving girl. childhood i had a desire to grow up, the poadcast must do agood host, as the years go by, to blossom, and i grew up slowly, and this desireis even more strongly, as farmers with hoes who like even more of this work onthe poadcast over the chiai. 12 years in school, i learn the lesson of the sameculture, but also keep the ocean from a wide range of knowledge to learnnutrition, to enrich themselves and enhance their abilities, enhance theirawareness, to better grasp their own future, to realize their ideals. as singerwith a marvelous voice to express their feelings, just as the dancers dancesteps with a light to explain their beliefs, and i will use my voice to pass mylove of poadcasting over the chi.

  i know that success on the road was not always smooth, though full ofthorns, but i will: pave, courage, hold onto your dream and hold stubborntarried, sincere look. i want to give me a chance, in the higher and more sacredhalls of knowledge in studies, peaking the cocoon into a butterfly, butterflyinto the dance, infinitely close to the poadcast over share of guanghua andglory. as i learned, through my voice, to convey the enthusiasm of the centralplains is open for the world to listen to the voice of the new century andvoices!

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