“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2017-10-17 来源:自我介绍 手机版





  Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. I’m very happy to stand here to teach you. You know, this is the first time we meet each other, so let me introduce myself to you. My family name is Cheng, and my English name is Mark. So you can call me Mr. Cheng or Mark. This year is my animal year. I graduated from Hubei University of technology. Business English is my major. In my spare time I like listening to music and play ping-pong.In my class, I hope all of you study hard and cooperate with my teaching. I think you will have a happy time in my class. Otherwise you will encounter (meet) a lot of trouble.In my opinion, it’s easy to study English well, but you must do it well in the following aspects. For example, Listen carefully and make notes in my class. Finish your homework on time. You should read, listen, speak and write English everyday. As we all know Practice make perfect.


  Good morning everyone:My name is Li Jing, the new English teacher of this class. Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you. I hope we can communicate happily and have a good day. Now, let me introduce myself briefly.I graduated from Zaozhuang University and I majored in biology. So I am not a professional English teacher, But I am very interested in English. And the knowledge and skills I learned in school are useful in teaching, although I have no experience in teaching and managing a class. Of course, I am so young that I might make some mistakes in the future, and I hope you can give me advice as possible as you can.Being a teacher here is excited. Having thought for a long time, I think I am fit for this career, because of my educational experience and my character, Most of all, I like children and I like this job. I believe that interest is the best teacher, and I will try my best to raise the interest of the children in learning.In my work, I will try my best. I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities. To be the best one is a little bit hard, but “Trying All My Best.” always can cheer me up. To succeed or fail is not the only thing. As long as we did, we will not regret. Someday when we turn back for what the footprint we have left, time will record the victory in our heart. So, “Trying All My Best” is the motto of mine.I believe that we will get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends.Ok! So much! Thank you!

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