“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2020-03-31 来源:自荐信 手机版


dear manager:

  your corporation is of great interest to me. so i wish to apply for the position referred, and believe that my education and project background are appropriate for the position. please consider my application for a qualified job hunter .

  i will graduate from the dept.of materials science and engineering, mechanics school of daqing petroleum institute , with a b.e. degree in july XX. through almost four years studying in university, i have had profound knowledge in my major, metallic materials engineering. during my education, i have been skilled in use of microsoft office xp/XX, windows xp/sp2, and can solve the actual problem of engineering with auto cad XX/c++/photoshop cs, and passed the necr-3. furthermore, i have won other prizes for my excellent performance.

  in addition, i am good at english and have gained the certificate of cet-4/cet-6. my english ability is good enough to read, write and communicate with others.

  i am seeking a challenging position as a materials mechanical engineer for metal materials designing , organizes performance and technics analysing, welding and metal materials surface modified etc.

  the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. im confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you. if you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in your company please contact me. i would very appreciate if i have an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  thank you for your consideration.

  your early reply will be very appreciated.

  sincerely yours

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