“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2020-01-31 来源:自荐信 手机版


dear leaders:
thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my job search materials. xx i am a foreign language teachers college department of english, a professional undergraduate graduates. screen job-seekers, i am a positive and pragmatic attitude i wish to apply to you, your school would like to join the vitality of this piece of land, with my school, from as far as i can.
teachers in school leadership and guidance, i tried to learn professional knowledge, professional skills training, professional standards have improved each year and will be received in july this year the professional bachelor's degree in english. at the same time, i have a good examination results through the teacher, the national english public cet, the national putonghua examination and the national computer ii, the provincial level computer examination. i was able to skillfully use related to english teaching english teaching methods and the use of english for ease of listening, speaking, reading and writing. i am good at speeches, the department of the debate team is a member of the learn to participate actively in the department of speech and won the third race the department of english speech. i am well aware that "工欲善其事, prerequisite of its browser," the face of such severe competition, a certain degree of work experience is very important. in recent years, home and marketing the work done so that i benefited. let me do the consolidation of a tutor expertise with parents and learn how to communicate and children; for mobile marketing business training company of my eloquence, spirit and tradition of hard work to broaden my network of relationships. i would like, through which the experience derived from the work for me no matter what kind of work are very useful.
i am well aware that he was just an ordinary college students, but it is the ordinary sharpen me, enriched me, and i developed and taught me the extraordinary hard work and sweat with self. from my resume, you will be able to see that i am a hard-working, pragmatic, positive people who have the ability to learn and absorb new knowledge and adapt to the new environment, i am qualified to give you the confidence and opportunities! i hope your school can give me an opportunity to demonstrate self-select to accept me, i will work with you to help one another, to create a better tomorrow. time to rush, knowledge at the beginning, but as long as the struggle for more than confidence, momentum is not bad, with the cause of my devotion and passion, with my work seriously and is responsible for, i believe, i can a civilized, unity, progress to do a collective way, the expectations of trust and love you.
sincere and fervent hope that your answer. i would be happy to accept the interview, if you hired, i will live by hope!
finally, i wish the school to flourish, flourishing!



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