“范文大全” 自荐信

medical bachelor’s 英文自荐信

发布时间:2019-12-15 来源:自荐信 手机版

medical bachelor’s 英文自荐信

dear sir or madam:

my name is xiangdesen, coming from shizhu of chongqing province.i will get medical bachelor’s degree smoothly in north sichuan medical college (nsmc) in july of next year.

please consider my application for a qualified doctor. being a medical college student to graduate soon, i’m long for an opportunity to realize my personal value .you will note that i have acquired the professional knowledge of medicine and practical skills. furthermore, i have won other prizes for my excellent performance. in the mean time, i enjoy many on-campus and off-campus activities.

five -year hard-working and good education strengthens me and my social experiences cultivate my all-round ability, capable of communicating with high sense of responsibility. in my spare time, i widely dabbled a large amount of books, not only substantiated myself, but also have trained my technical ability in many aspects .all these make me have a big understanding of nowadays development of medicine. i cannot say my study is excellent, but you know marks is not everything. deeds speak louder than works. i’m confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you.

if you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in doctor at your hospital. please call 13880697259. my references will gladly be provided upon request and i’m ready for your interview any time. your early reply will be very appreciated.

best wishes!

        yours sincerely

kang hailin

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