the reason why i stand here confidently is that i have a warm and democratic family. my patents, who are my first teachers, are different from others. they gave me a relaxing childhood. my mom, a teacher in university, influences me deeply with her view of life. she gives me a lot of freedom and supports most of my decisions. but she is also strict with my fault . she is a successful woman. not only does she work well, but also have good manners in public which i think very important for me. my dad is a knowledgeable man who can answer my questions mostly and always takes interesting examinations with me. thanks to them , i had an exciting childhood that had fewer lessons and more games than many kids in china. of course, this timeboth of themagree with me to apply assist and help me a lot. without them, i would notbe so confident. i want to be an exchange student in america alone. .
in the family i’m a baby forever, but school life changes me a lot. . i am in good health since i was a child, because i do lots of exercises with my father. i am good at football as well, which i g more than 8 years. i got many good grades in the sports meeting at school. once in middle school, i have got a silver medal in a short distance race.i do a good job with the exercise so that i’m chosen to be the example of the exercise on the stage of playground both in my former and present school。 . now i’m a member of the cheer leading and plans to takes part in a body mechanics on nov. 11th XX. i believe we can get a good grade there. not only sport but also art is my interest. i help the leader in class organize singing festival and art festival which is hold in the end of every year. the dance named the persian cat which i took part in got the first wards in last art festival. maybe this time there will be more wonderful programs in art festival.
self people:xxx
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您好! 感谢您在百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间阅读此信!相信我不会让您失望! 我叫***,系***专业的应届毕业生,具有较好的沟通协调能力和团队合作精神,思维敏锐严谨,条理性强。 性格外向、热心公益
- 金融管理专业的自荐信范文
尊敬的校领导: 我是xxx,来自xx大学金融系的一名应届毕业生。怀着对贵公司的尊重与向往,我真挚地写了这封 自荐 信,向您展示一个完全真实的我。 从XX年入校到现在,我一直恪守“奋力攻坚
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- 法语系自荐信范文
法语系自荐信范文尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是xx大学外语系97届的一名学生。在即将毕业的时刻,看到了贵公司的招聘启示。贵公司的发展前景和用人之道我很仰慕,同时我也非常希望能用自己所学的知识为贵公司效