“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2017-11-28 来源:自荐信 手机版


  dear mr. courtsworth:

  i am seeking a ceo position in the chemical industry。 my professional career exhibits a record of strong achievement and significant contributions。 i am a top performing chemical industry executive with an extensive sales, manufacturing, research and operations background。

  throughout my career i recruited selected and developed very talented managers。 i utilized persistence, technical expertise and interpersonal skills to establish and build long-term relationships with diverse customers。 i analyzed, evaluated and led entry into new market niches enabling the company to generate significant profits, and am recognized as a creative manager with strong strategic planning, communications, listening, and operational skills。 the following highlight some of my key accomplishments:

  analyzed markets, determined special market niches, shifted product line and aggressively led entry into new markets resulting in sales growth of 300% and a sizeable profit improvement 。

  exercised operational pl responsibility for a $30 million corporation manufacturing industrial specialty o。e。m。 paints and coatings。

  landed major industrial accounts by building solid relationships through persistent and creative presentations, development of superior products, and quality service。

  if my qualifications are of interest, mr courtsworth, i would be delighted to meet with you to further explore opportunities with your fine company。 i hope that we will have the opportunity to meet shortly, and i look forward to hearing from you。


  randolph b。 mannington



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