“范文大全” 证明


发布时间:2017-10-20 来源:证明 手机版



  兹有 xxxxxx 学校 土木工程 专业 xx 同学于XX年7月2日 至 XX年8月30日 在 xxxx总公司 实习

  该同学的实习职位是 ____






  internship qualification

  xx xx, student from xxxx university, majored in civil engineering, started his two months internship at our company from july 2,XX to august 30,XX.

  during the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s engineer, he has a preliminary understanding of the development process of conducting a project, and is more familiar with the engineering system and its related equipment functions and implementation methodology, as well as sales and distributions module. in addition, he puts much effort into his work and study. the student never hesitates to ask senior co-workers when meeting difficulties. at the same time, he respects and gets along very well with others and shows us a very good team spirit and ability of communication and cooperation. co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.

  xxxxcorporation of china

  (valid with a stamp)

  september 5th, XX

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