“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-08-23 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear XX classmate:

  Do you remember our class 7 in junior high school? Do you still remember the warm memories and pure feelings we shared?

  Time is like running water. It has been more than 5 years since the early summer of XX, when the sky was scattered all over the world. However, the prolongation of time and space has not made our friendship fade away. We are so eagerly looking forward to the reunion of our old classmates.

  Recall that extraordinary time together and talk about the present and the future. Let's take our friendship to the next level and create a better tomorrow!

  Well, this winter, we sincerely invite you to join the class 7 class XX of the two middle schools to listen to the long-lost voice and look at the long-lost faces. I believe you will have more than joy and excitement.

  Let's remember the past together and face the future together.

  We thought: Such a rare gathering will be overshadowed by your absence and will make us feel dejected.

  I hope you will make arrangements early and keep your appointment on schedule. Please reply as soon as possible.

  Wish you and your family good health!

  Happy reunion


  Dear classmate:

  My classmates have spent several years together, warm as yesterday, still living in my heart! Youth, vaguely like a dream, I wish I could always remember you and me! In XX, we met in Class 1 of History 01. Although they have their own dreams and aspirations, they share the same passion and passion. We know each other well, although we don't know the true meaning of life, we have experienced the purest and most beautiful three years of life together. Today, friendship has become like a long stream of green water. The difference of several years and the implication of several years gave us enough reason to meet again. No matter whether you are old in appearance or bad in melon or jujube. Whether you are soaring or still swaying in the wind; Whether you are near at hand or hiding in the ends of the earth; As long as it is not imminent, as long as it can still go down. Please come here to witness this moment that belongs to us, and to witness days of our lives of Class 1 of our 01 history. We are like you, how many times we meet in dreams and how many times we are longing for each other. For this reason, we would like to ask you to go for a walk in the past: listen to the long-lost voice, look at the long-lost face, and talk about the thoughts of parting. Let you and I temporarily throw away the noise of the world, discard the troubles around you, come together and enjoy the warmth of the old classmates together - tell me the truth and tell me the same thing! Come back, dear classmate! Pairs of eager and affectionate eyes are looking forward to it as they were in those days, and the hot and young hearts are calling ...


  Dear classmate:

  Three years old, warm as yesterday, still living in my heart; Sad and joyous years, vaguely like a dream, I hope to remember you and me! It has been nearly two years since junior high school was first separated, when students were in the same school and now they are all in the west and east. But we believe that whether you return to your hometown or stay away from home; No matter how free or busy you may be, however, the love of your classmates will not change. After all, you will not forget to talk and play with us in the forest park … perhaps, you have frozen all this and quietly looked forward to the reunion of spring. We are like you, how many times we meet in dreams and how many times we are longing for each other. We would like to invite you and ask you to go for a walk in the past: listen to the long-lost voice, look at the long-lost face, and talk about the thoughts of parting … even though we know that you want to restrain your inner expectations and waves. However, such a rare gathering will be overshadowed by your absence and will make us feel dejected. Let you and I temporarily put aside the noise of the world, get rid of the troubles around us, come together and enjoy the warmth of the old classmates together - let the heart rest and forget the worries; Talk about friendship; Looking back on the past and imagining the future; Communicate your feelings and encourage each other … I believe you will get more than joy and excitement. Will you come? We waited with the same eager and expectant eyes as the fiery and young heart of the year ...

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    • 会议邀请函范本

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