“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-05-16 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear Alumni:


  Weiwei my school, century vicissitudes; Time flies by and the years are like songs. Henan Agricultural University has gone through a 100 - year unforgettable journey and will celebrate its 100th birthday in July 20xx. Since the establishment of agricultural higher education in 1912, Henan Agricultural University has always adhered to the school-running philosophy of " caring for the health and enriching the people" and abided by the school motto of " striving for self-improvement and seeking truth from facts", closely linking its own development with the fate of the country and the nation, with the changes of the times and society, and cultivating more than 100,000 agricultural science and technology, education and management talents for the country and society, and making positive contributions to economic construction and social development.

  As the stars move, the salary fire follows one another. It takes three generations to make a gentleman. Lin College is the same age as Henan Agricultural University, and it is one of the oldest colleges in the history of running a 100 - year agricultural university. The college now has 8 undergraduate majors in forestry, landscape architecture, environmental engineering, art design, urban planning, tourism management, geographic information system and environmental science ( forestry and landscape architecture are national specialties ), covering 5 disciplines of agriculture, engineering, science, art and management. There are 2 first-class doctoral programs in forestry and landscape gardening, 11 doctoral programs in two disciplines, 4 first-class graduate programs in forestry, ecology, architecture and landscape gardening, 5 provincial and ministerial key programs, and 2 provincial and ministerial key laboratories ( training ), with more than 2600 undergraduate and graduate students.

  The development and growth of Lin College can not be separated from the care and support of all alumni. For a long time, the exchange and cooperation between Lin College and alumni in personnel training and scientific research have been deepening and strengthening. Alumni have consistently cared for and supported the construction and development of the College in various forms and through various channels, and have played an important role in improving the teaching and scientific research level of the College and the conditions for running the College. The history of the alma mater has been condensed with your painstaking efforts, and the brilliance of the alma mater has reflected your achievements. Here, we express our heartfelt thanks to you.


  Dear Alumni:

  Hello! Time flies, time flies. In the autumn of this century, Fujian Normal University celebrated its centennial. The alma mater has gone through a century of history, bearing the sound of the sincere feet of every alumnus. In spring and autumn, peach and plum are now fragrant. On the eve of the centennial of the alma mater, the faculty and students of the life science institute of Fujian normal university thank you for winning honor for your alma mater in your post, for the achievements you have created, for setting up a good public image for your alma mater, and for the construction and development of your alma mater all the time. To this end, we sincerely invite you to witness the centennial celebration of your alma mater in your busy schedule, and to gather together old and new alumni to celebrate a beautiful day. Alumni returned to the school for discussion and guidance. Some alumni were unable to receive invitations due to the change of work unit or address. Please tell each other.

  with the best wishes



  Dear Courtyard Friend:

  Hello everyone!

  Weiwei my school, century vicissitudes, redbud competition Yan, spring is ang; Water clear wood, Huang Huang on Xiang, zi LAN Shu Hui, salary spread in all directions.

  April 24, 1992 is an important moment in the history of Tsinghua University's centennial. It is a glorious century. Since its birth, Tsinghua has shouldered the great historical responsibility and mission of national rejuvenation and the rise of China. After a hundred years of searching for a journey, Tsinghua's years are believed to have precipitated into precious memories in life and become the unique character of Tsinghua people.

  It takes three generations to make a gentleman. On the occasion of Tsinghua University's 100th birthday, we couldn't help thinking of the happy picture of the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Public Administration, like yesterday. In the new century in Tsinghua, the college will also uphold the Tsinghua motto of " Striving for Self - improvement and Carrying Virtue" and the motto of " Mingde for Public Service" to train more talents for the society. To provide more and better advice for national and local governments at all levels to make decisions and make contributions to the development and progress of Chinese society.

  On the occasion of the celebration of the spring return to the earth and the revival of all things, the School of Public Administration sends warm greetings and good wishes to all members of the school, and sincerely invites everyone to return to the beautiful tsinghua campus, join the whole school with teachers and students, participate in the grand ceremony, witness the history, share the splendor and friendship, see Tsinghua's new appearance in one hundred and talk about the future development of the alma mater.

  On April 23, the School of Public Administration will hold a tea party with college friends during the celebration, and the school will also hold the first back-to-school memorial meeting for graduate students and alumni, at which time all college friends are welcome to attend.

  Finally, once again warmly welcome all the members of the school to the homecoming party to witness this historic moment.

  I wish you success in your work and happiness in your family.

    • 请柬学习范文大全

        发请柬不仅是传递信息,更是表明对被邀请者的尊重、礼貌和热情。有些请柬还可以作为会议人场券或到会凭证,下面是小编为大家整理的请柬学习范文大全,希望对大家有帮助。请柬学习范文大全篇一  尊敬的  本活动将于 年 月 日在xx活动广场举行,特此诚邀( 先生/女士)参加,凡到场者皆获礼品一份! 欢迎光临 tel:xxxxx 走向成功,走向辉煌  邀请人:  xx年x月x日请柬学习范文大全篇二  送呈 台启  谨订于公历 年 月 日(星期 )  农 历  举行(新居/办公地)落成并乔迁之庆  届时 恭请  光临

    • 同学聚会邀请函的优秀范例

        世界变幻,时光荏苒,同学的情谊是历久弥新的,不是举办一下同学聚会,联络下感情也是很有必要的。下面是小编给大家带来的同学聚会邀请函,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!  同学聚会邀请函的优秀范例(一)  可爱的xx大学xx级土木工程四班以及各班同学们:  本来想顺应这个时代的习惯,在网上摘抄几句煽情的话语,祸害一下你们的思绪,为蓄谋已久的聚会做个铺垫。想想我找得着的你们肯定也早就看过了,写出来还要被笑话,于是不如说几句朴素真挚的话,真心希望能在你们的小心坎里掀起一点小小的波澜。  时间真是一把快刀子,

    • 亲子活动邀请函

        欢迎来到范文大全。本文为大家带来邀请函范文,欢迎大家阅读。  活动邀请函范文一  尊敬的各位家长:  您好!我们全体师生真诚邀请您参加XX年xx月xx日亲子运动会。因时间与场地限制,本次运动会分上下午进行,上午中大班活动,中大班家长上午8:30准时到园,下午托小班活动,托小班家长下午14:30准时到园。为了活动气氛,全园小朋友等下午活动结束后统一接走。参加本次活动时建议您和孩子穿宽松舒适的衣裤及鞋子,合理安排好工作,准时出席活动。  上午活动流程:  8:30全体入场。(按指定位置就坐)  9:00运

    • 答谢酒会邀请函范文

        邀请是维持关系的一种较好的手段。下面范文大全小编为大家精心整理了答谢酒会邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。答谢酒会邀请函范文一:  兹定于xxxx年xx月xx日(星期x)邀请您参加xxxx年度xxx举办的xxxxxx研讨会,届时为您准备答谢晚宴,及礼品一份。 望准时出席会议! 会议地址:xx市xx区xx路xx号xx大酒店x楼宴会厅  会议时间:15:00  主办方:xxx(xx)有限公司  xxxx贸易有限公司xxxx年xx月凭此邀请函领取礼品一份回 执  我将于xxxx年xx月xx日xx:xx时,准时

    • 订货会的邀请函

        订货会是以产品实物吸引消费者购买的一种形式,可以是一个企业,也可以是企业联合举办。订货会的交易方式主要有期货交易、现货交易、易货交易、补偿交易、样品定购交易、以进带出交易等。订货会营销战术可以使顾客看到企业的真实的产品,能实地考察产品的质量、规格、标准以及产品的生产过程,可以比较准确地判断产品。那么你知道订货会的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面范文大全小编整理了订货会的邀请函,供你参考。订货会的邀请函范文一  尊敬的新老客户:  为答谢新老客户多年来对****有限公司的大力支持与厚爱,我公司与各厂家强强联手,