“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-04-19 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear partners and industry colleagues:

  Hello! * * * * in, with the strong support of your company, * * * company has made great progress in product sales and business performance. In order to thank your organization for its support and love, the * * * * company's annual partner appreciation dinner is scheduled to be held in the * * * * hotel * * hall on * * * *. The guests attending this banquet cover the elites in many fields such as engineering, design, consulting, media and so on. Let's get together to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and talk about the gains and feelings brought to us by the year * * * *!

  We have prepared delicious wine, delicious food and exquisite gifts, and sincerely welcome your presence, so that we can share * * * * strategic cooperation and win-win results.

  Banquet time: 18: 00 - 20: 30 on Monday, the * * month of * * * *

  Banquet venue: * * * * Hotel * * Hall ( * * City * * District * * * Road )

  Banquet form: table meal

  Activity Contact: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Chuan Zhen: * * * - * * * * * * * *

  * * * * Year * * Month * * Day


  On the occasion of the visit of the three governors of Argentina's " central region" to Shanghai with their business delegation, the Argentine Consulate General in Shanghai Business Promotion Center and the Argentine Federal Investment Council, together with the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Shanghai Small Business ( Trade Development ) Service Center, have the honour to invite your company to participate in a counterpart fair with Argentine enterprises.

  Location: 3rd floor, Grand Hotel

  Time: 2: 00 p.m. on the _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ ( week _ _ )

  For a specific list of the delegation's enterprises, please refer to the following links on the consulate's website:

  If you are present, please fax your confirmation letter to: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


  Dear customer:


  With your sincere efforts and full support, the company has made remarkable achievements and the sales level has increased year by year. In order to better provide you with high-quality services and achieve common development and common progress, we will hold our first meeting on January, and sincerely invite you to participate.

  We sincerely hope that through this meeting, we can create an opportunity for each elite to exchange, learn from and discuss with each other, and work together for development, " work together to create a win-win situation"!

  On the occasion of this meeting, I sincerely wish you and your family a happy and healthy reunion.

  Company Year Month A.D.

    • 歌手大赛邀请函范文

        想要邀请大家来参加活动,该怎么邀请呢?下面范文大全小编为大家精心整理了歌手大赛邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。歌手大赛邀请函范文一:  尊敬的XXX:  感谢您一直以来对学院团委的关心和支持,使我院共青团工作得以蓬勃发展,为了丰富学生课余文化生活,推动学院建设和谐健康的校园文化,我委定于xxxx年xx月xx日(星期x)晚7:30在学院礼堂(西校区)隆重举行“xx杯”第x届校园十佳歌手大奖赛决赛。在此,特邀请您届时光临指导。 特此谨邀!  XXX  XXXX年XX月XX日歌手大赛

    • 有关于活动的邀请函范文

        在邀请函中需要说明举办活动的性质、举办时间以及参加的条件等。下面小编整理了有关于活动的邀请函范文,希望大家喜欢!有关于活动的邀请函范文1  尊敬的___________:  您好!  ________单位将于__年__月__日在________地,举办___________活动,特邀您参加,谢谢。  _________单位  __年__月__日有关于活动的邀请函范文2  我园以xxxx运为契机,举办“xxxx 庆六一”亲子运动会,时间为xxxx年5月30日下午4:00&mdas

    • 产品发布会英语邀请函

        一项产品要进入发布的时候通常需要邀请很多人参加,要怎么写英语邀请函呢?下面就让范文大全小编带大家看看一系列的产品发布会英语邀请函,望大家采纳。  产品发布会英语邀请函  dear sir/madam,  you are cordially invited to visit our exhibition at the 104th canton fair in guangzhou, which will be held from the 2nd to the 6th of november.  pleas

    • 家长会的邀请函

        如今更多的企业趋向于使用电子邀请函。在日新月异的现代社会中,需要使用邀请函的场合越来越多,什么样的邀请函才是有效的呢?以下是小编为大家收集的家长会的邀请函,欢迎大家分享。 家长会的邀请函1 尊敬的家长:  您好!  感谢您一直以来对我校各项工作的关心、理解和支持。值此丹桂飘香,金风送爽的季节,谨向您和您的家人致以最衷心的祝福。!  光阴荏苒,您的子女已经在广海中学这个大家庭里学习和生活了半个学期。为了向您全面汇报孩子在校的学习、生活、思想状况,共同探讨孩子的未来,进一步加强家校的联系与沟通,增进友谊,

    • 企业的表彰大会邀请函

        在工作中表现的特别出色的人,可以获得公司和同事们的赞扬,可以以此来开一个表彰大会,来表扬这些员工。下面是小编给大家带来的表彰大会邀请函范文,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!  企业的表彰大会邀请函(一)  天使的微笑班各位朋友们:  大家好,感谢大家一年来对班级的关心与支持。20xx级4班的小天使们自入校以来,取得了很大的进步,他们的成长离不开大家的关心与帮助。我班定于7月3日下午两点半,在培德楼六楼报告厅举行年度表彰大会,对一年来涌现的榜样家庭、榜样个人进行表彰!届时,邀请您一起参加盛会,见证班