“范文大全” 邀请函

初中英语邀请函题目 邀请函范文

发布时间:2020-04-06 来源:邀请函 手机版


初中英语邀请函题目 邀请函范文


  Snow danced in the air, Santa came in a sleigh, Christmas bells came from a distance, and laughter gathered at Giant's School. On this day, there was a saying that was the most beautiful language _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We Wish You a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Yaer. On this day, there was the most splendid Party waiting for you to join the giant Christmas cosplay masquerade.

  Time: 18: 00 - 20: 00 on December 24, XXX

  Location: Campus

  Warm Tips: ( 1 ) Parents are requested to help children prepare clothes and props according to their favorite images according to their wishes in advance.

  ( 2 ) the winter cold, pick up children on time.


  XXX students:

  Hello! I am a member of the organizing committee of the 20xx Xi 'an International Horticultural Exposition " Let's Come Together" Student Messenger Exchange Event. Zhou recommended to the teacher that your students are talented and active. Therefore, the organizing committee sincerely invites you and your students to participate in the student messenger exchange event on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so that your students can communicate with young students from all over the country and the world on behalf of your school and your region and spread cross-strait friendship.

  This activity was organized by the Xi 'an World Horticultural Exposition in 20xx to convey the core concepts of the Expo, such as " Heaven and Man Chang 'an, Creative Nature" and " Harmonious Symbiosis between City and Nature", promote the spirit of " Green Leading Fashion" to young students, and further promote the concept of " Green, Low Carbon and Environmental Protection" to students.

  The form of participation is very simple. Students will have the opportunity to become a cross-strait communication envoy by uploading their works on the website of the event. The Expo will provide full financial support for communication so that students can use the platform to visit Taiwan and Xi 'an and communicate with international and national students. The activity does not restrict students' background and encourages all students to participate in the activity through the website.

  For students, the website is divided into three sections of fashion, fun and personalization: flower language blessing, flower and life, flower in trend, and optional participation. Participatory activities are quick and simple and can be completed in three minutes. This is a platform to display creativity and talent of contemporary college students. Attending the event will not only have the opportunity to get cross-strait exchanges, but also have the opportunity to include his works in the book " Plants Around Me" to be published next year by Science Squirrels and Brainstorm Host Mr. Yuan Yue. Excellent T - Shirt works will also become the uniform clothing of cross-strait exchange ambassadors.

  I very much hope that you can participate in our activities, and also hope to help support this activity in your community and schools, and publicize the " Let's Come Together" student messenger exchange activities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits among students, and encourage more students to participate. Please see the annex for the introduction of this event. If you need a poster or souvenir, please feel free to contact the organizing committee.

    • 供应商询价采购邀请函

        询价采购也叫比质比价采购,是企业常用的采购方式之一,要召开询价采购大会,那么你知道供应商询价采购的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面范文大全小编整理了供应商询价采购的邀请函,供你参考。供应商询价采购的邀请函范文一  邀请函  编号: :  按照XXXXXX下达的采购计划,XXXXXXX拟对 项目进行询价采购,欢迎贵方参加。  一、项目内容。  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX项目  二、投标人资格要求  1、投标人须具备独立法人资格;  2、具有省级有关部门颁发的土地规划乙级及以上资质并且有测绘行

    • 搞笑版聚会邀请函范文

        邀请函太过严肃,不如试一下搞笑版聚会邀请函。下面就让范文大全小编带大家看看一系列的搞笑版聚会邀请函范文。望大家采纳。搞笑版聚会邀请函范文篇一  今年国庆的时候,我们一定要搞一次同学大聚会,找最上档次的饭店,上最有面子的酒菜!人工饲养的动物一概不要!要就要天上飞的水里游的地上飞起脚脚跑的!再选一个大伙都方便、老公老婆都不起疑心的日子,悄悄的干活! 同学请得越多越好,最起码也得来他妈的二三十个人!什么考研的、工作的、出国的、结婚生孩子的、当棒棒的、擦皮鞋的、卖报纸的、守公厕的…&hellip

    • 订货会邀请函三篇

        订货会是以产品实物吸引消费者购买的一种形式,可以是一个企业,也可以是企业联合举办。那么你知道订货会的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面范文大全小编整理了订货会的邀请函,供你参考。订货会的邀请函范文一  酒类订货会邀请函  尊敬的新老客户:  为答谢新老客户多年来对****有限公司的大力支持与厚爱,我公司与各厂家强强联手,特邀请您于****年**月***日上午在******举行春节订货会,以回馈新老客户。  参会品种:  国窖1573、泸州老窖百年、泸州系列、山庄老酒、香格里  拉干红、中国劲酒、礼盒等高中低档白

    • 大学同学聚会邀请函

        邀请函作为一种礼仪性文书,在日常工作中也经常用到,一份好的邀请函,可以提高邀请人或单位在被邀请人心目中的地位。那么你知道大学同学聚会邀请函是怎么写吗?下面范文大全小编整理了大学同学聚会邀请函,供你参考。  大学同学聚会邀请函范文一  亲爱的同学们:  光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼间我们已经毕业20xx年了。20xx年光阴弹指一挥,人生沧海桑田。亲爱的同学们:您是否会时常回忆起我们的青春岁月?您是否会时常怀念起同学间的纯真情感?您是否会盼望能再次欢聚一堂,畅叙阔别之情?  你的心情现在好吗?你的一切还算顺利

    • 工程招标代理邀请函范文

        邀请函是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种,那工程招标代理邀请函该怎么写呢?下面就让范文大全小编带大家看看一系列的工程招标代理邀请函范文。望大家采纳。工程招标代理邀请函范文篇一  成都特驱农牧科技有限公司拟定修建的预混料车间钢构工程已具备开工条件,经招标人初审贵公司符合投标资格,在此,诚邀请贵公司参加本工程的投标。一、招标项目概况:工程地点:成都特驱农牧科技有限公司厂区内二、招标方式:①本次招标采用工程量清单报价(采用宏业软件计算),实行固定总价包干。②被邀请的投标人须对成都特驱农牧科技有限公司预混