“范文大全” 邀请函

发出邀请函范文 英语

发布时间:2020-03-12 来源:邀请函 手机版


发出邀请函范文 英语

  发出邀请函范文 英语

  Dear parents:

  Hello! With your strong concern and support, the school's education and teaching work is in good order. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you. In order to promote the contact and cooperation between families and schools and seek the development of good education, a communication platform between families and schools will be created. This semester, our school plans to set up a " family friendship association" organization, aiming to build a platform for parents to communicate with each other, share parenting experience and jointly improve the level of tutoring. Let more parents participate in school education management. On February 26, 20xx, our school held the launching ceremony of the " XX Center Primary School Family Friendship Association" in the school's big staircase room. In order to let parents know more about " Family Friendship Association" and better participate in class " Family Friendship Association" activities, promote communication between schools and families, teachers and parents, and form a joint force of family and school education. The school decided to hold a parent-teacher meeting for grade one and two on Thursday ( March 22 ) at 7: 30 p.m. We sincerely invite you to attend.

  I activity time: 7: 30 p.m. on March 22, 20xx? 9:40

  II. Place of Activities: Classrooms ( Don't Take Children )

  III. Activity flow:

  Time interval

  Inner volume


  School leaders speak.


  Watch the video of the inauguration ceremony of the Family Friendship Association.


  The teacher in charge, the science teacher and the parents communicate.


  Send out the consultation draft of the family friendship association volunteer group, the student assignment questionnaire, and the student canteen questionnaire.

  IV. Remarks:

  1. If there are special circumstances that cannot be attended, please ask the teacher in charge for leave before the meeting.

  2. Parents' vehicles can enter the campus. Please follow the staff arrangement.

  The XX Central Primary School respects the contract

  March 20, 20xx

  Back to the board of directors ( handed over to the head teacher on March 21 )

  Child Name: Parent Signature: Attend or Not Attend:

  发出邀请函模板 英语

  Dear parents:

  Hello! Thank you for your support, cooperation and love for the work of the international department. I would like to express my heartfelt wishes to you and your family.

  We know:

  Each smiling face of the students bears the ardent hopes and good hopes of all parents.

  We know:

  All school achievements can not be achieved without parents' attention and efforts.

  We know:

  Every step of the development of our school can not be separated from your concern and support.

  In order to let you have a comprehensive understanding of children's study and life in school, strengthen the communication between school and parents, further discuss the education and training of children with parents, form a joint force of home-school education, promote the healthy growth of students, and enhance communication, communication and cooperation between family and school, the international department of our school will hold a parent-teacher meeting for the second-year students of the international department this Friday ( November 25 ) from 1: 30 p.m. to 3: 00 p.m ..

  Warm reminder

  1. Please be sure to enter the school at the time we have arranged.

  2. Parents are the first teachers of the children. Your words and actions will always affect the children. Therefore, please pay attention to civilized manners, do not smoke, do not litter or make loud noises after entering the school. During the meeting, please set your mobile phone to mute or vibrate, do not answer the phone in the classroom, and consciously maintain the order of the parent-teacher meeting.

  3. Due to the large number of parents' vehicles in the international department, the traffic at the school gate may be a little crowded during the parents' meeting. Please obey the school's arrangement when parking your car and do not park your car at random.

  Please pay attention to safety on your way to and from school, and keep warm when it's cold.

  发出邀请函格式 英语

  Dear sir/madam:

  I’m delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

  As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic "XX" from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

  Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you’ll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

  Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Sincerely yours,



    • 同学聚会邀请函精选五则4篇

      同学聚会邀请函精选五则1   亲爱的同学:  弹指一挥间,一晃毕业多年。  曾记否,毕业前,泪眼挥手相送;  现如今,毕业后,记忆俨然朦胧。  感 慨万千,物是人非。环肥燕瘦者,如今为人妻为人母;英俊倜傥者,如今为人夫为人父。想目睹一下当初她(她)么?想必,风采不现,神韵依旧。轻候一声:你好 么?不恨郎娶妾嫁,不怨造物弄人,只盼来生再遇。我愿,忍受五百年的风吹、五百年的日晒、五百年雨淋,只愿你从身旁走过。喝口孟婆汤,穿过奈河桥,三生石 已满,写不下许多情缘。  毕业后,单纯、幼稚、迷茫、困惑、梦想,而后羽

    • 同学们聚会邀请函范文10篇

      同学们聚会邀请函范文1 亲爱的同学:  您好!  二十年前的夏天,我们结束了大学四年的学习生活,大家带着对美好未来的憧憬,各奔东西,各闯世界。  往事并不如烟。20年的风雨,20年的打拼,豆蔻不再,不惑将至。也许你我改变了模样,改变了生活,但高中三年大庙生活的朝朝暮暮,始终是抹不去的记忆。  世事在变化,但同学身份永远不可改变,值得一生去珍惜,一辈子来追忆。老同学,来吧!钱多钱少都有烦恼,官大官小没完没了,让我们暂时抛开尘世的喧嚣,挣脱身边的烦恼,走到一起,尽情享受老同学相聚的温馨让心栖息,忘却忧虑;说说

    • 同学三十周年的聚会邀请函6篇

      同学三十周年的聚会邀请函1   春花秋月何时了,同学知多少?亲爱的同学们,时光如此飞逝,转眼间大学毕业三十年。  三十年时代巨变,三十年沧海桑田。我们的人生或云淡风轻、或跌宕起伏,蓦然回首发觉:最难以忘怀和割舍不掉的依旧是那份同学间的真挚友情。  为了纪念大学毕业三十年,我们决定20xx年7月11-12日于母校举行同学聚会,无论我们相距有多远,无论我们分别了多少年,我们曾经的梦想和青春容颜依然难忘。  同学们,请回家看看。再度寻找我们青春的足迹,追忆我们的纯真四年。我们翘首期盼与全体同学再聚校园—母校大连

    • 竞拍邀请函须知

        南车眉山车辆有限公司2013 年第一次物资竞价采购,定于2013 年01 月31 日举行。诚  邀有实力、讲诚信的单位参与竞价。  1. 此次竞价采购采用信函密封报价(或传真报价),请在信函背面注明“竞价书”字  样和所投类别,如‘板材’、‘型材’等,并在信函封口处加盖公章。  2. 报价表一律采用南车眉山车辆有限公司提供的报价表(修改报价表竞价作废),按报  价表要求填写标书,并加盖竞价单位公章。  3. 本次竞价采购的物资有:板材、型材、焊材、配件、紧固件、油漆、气体等。  4. 竞价方须缴纳3

    • 房地产协会年会的邀请函

        尊敬的xxx先生/女士:  感谢您一年来对xx市xx区房地产协会的关心和支持!在新年即将来临之际,协会及秘书处全体人员祝愿您在新的一年里身体健康、家庭美满、万事如意!过去的一年,协会在区管委会、区住建局等主管部门的大力支持和指导下、在全体会员单位的积极配合下,以为政府、为行业、为企业服务为宗旨,广泛宣传产业政策,积极反映会员诉求,努力提高企业素质,积极开展对外交流,取得了一定成效。新的一年,为了总结工作,研讨和展望来年形势和发展,推动行业建设,增强行业凝聚力,协会定于2017年1月23日召开xx区房