“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2019-11-28 来源:邀请函 手机版

  美国的学生毕业是有发邀请函的, 毕业典礼邀请函是怎么写的呢?以下是小编搜罗的最新美国毕业典礼邀请函模板内容,欢迎参考和借鉴!



  dear officer,

  i am writing to confirm that i wish to invite

  name: xx

  relationship: xx date of birth: xx

  to visit me while i am studying at abbey college cambridge in uk. i would like to invite him to visit me from xx october xxxx to xx october xxxx.

  i confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. after my father gets his visa, he will book the hotel in uk.

  i would be very grateful if you would approve request for uk visa so that he can visit me. i hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. please find enclosed the following evidence:

  1. cas, certificate of abbey college cambridge, payment receipt from abbey college cambridge.

  2. a copy of my passport

  3. a copy of my police registration certificate

  please do not hesitate to contact if you need any further information. my mobile number: xx email address: xx

  your consideration about permission of xx’s uk visa would be highly appreciated. thank you very much.

  yours faithfully


  March X, 2019

  United States Embassy of Beijing

  3 Xiu Shui Bei Jie

  Beijing, 100600


  Dear Sir/Madam:

  I am writing to confirm that I invited Dr. XXX (Father) and Dr. XXX (Mother) to participate my commencement ceremony at University of XXX in XXX 200X.

  I came to the United States in August 200X to pursue my PhD in XXX at the University of XXX. My research is academic in nature and is focused on XXX, such as XXX, which are XXX. After X years research and writing, my dissertation committee approved my graduation plan in XXX 200X.

  My parents have provided tremendous support to me in the past Xyears and I would like to share the joy of PhD graduation with them. Moreover, I have planned a vacation across the United States with my parents to celebrate the graduation. Their itinerary in the United States will be the following:

  1. XXXXX

  2. X

  3. X

  4. X

  5. X

  My parents will depart from XXX back to China. The duration of this trip would range from 3 to 6 months. In the meantime, I will be a legal F1 student in Optional Practical Training (OPT). I have monthly salary of US$ XXX for my research assistantship and I have bank deposit of over US$ XXX. My parents will bring US$ XXX for the trip and I will cover the rest expenses.

  My father has served as a XXX for over 30 years and he plan to retire in two years. My mother has been a professor in XXX for over 20 years before she retired about X years ago. Furthermore, my parents own real estate, stocks, bank savings, and have developed extensive professional and social ties in China. Both of them are persons of excellent character,

  financially stable, and completely trustworthy.

  I have enclosed the following documents to assist my parents’ visa application interview:

  1. An official invitation letter to my commencement ceremony from the

  International Scholar and Student Services of University of XXX;

  2. Automatic payroll deposit to XXX Bank by XXX payroll in the past 12

  months and representative pay stubs in 2019 and 2019;

  3. Bank statement and online transaction history of XXX Bank, over

  US$ XXX in cash;

  4. Photocopies of my passport, latest I-94, latest student visa, and I-20


  5. Photocopies of my social security card, medical insurance card, and

  driver’s license;

  6. My Curriculum Vitae.

  I wish they could be issued visitors’ visa for this trip. Please contact me if you need further information. Thank you for your consideration of this request.





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    • 报告会邀请函

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    • 单位邀请函

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    • 毕业典礼邀请函英语作文

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