“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2017-10-31 来源:邀请函 手机版




  inviting a classmate to a reunion

  july 25, 20XX

  Dear XX,

  It's three years since we left no. 1 high school. have you ever thought of seeing all of your old classmates again some day? here's a chance for you to meet them.

  The reunion   is on sunday, august 10, 20XX at 10 a. m. be sure to come on time and we'll stay for a whole day. bring something interesting to surprise everybody if you like. we're looking forward to seeing you!

  The address is no. XXX taiping street. take bus no. XXX and get off at taiping street. you can't miss it.

  Please note: if you can't come, write to this address or call me up(tel: XXX)and leave a message. any good suggestion should be sent to us by next weekend.




  Dear xxx,

  How time flies! It is time for us to say "Good-bye" to each other. The time we spend together is worth to remember forever.

  So,in honour of our friendship we are going to organise a party before we leave our school,which will begin at 6:00 p.m on this Sunday at the XXX restaurant.

  We hope you can join us!



  How time flies. As you know, we have agreed that on every July 5th we will stay together in the same classroom, for Class 1 Grade 3. The day is near, I am so proud of being one of the organizers. I am here to send this invitation to you, to join such a significant meeting.

  On that day, we could have free talks and discussion, and share our stories of the passing year.

  I am looking forward to this. Wishing you all could come and join the meeting.

  Time: July 5th,20XX



  Charge of activity:



  The new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? Do you want a crazy party? Do you want to just relax and enjoy? Come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!Let's share classmate heart at XXXX(time & place). Can not wait any more...

  Come on! Where is your passion?

  Happy night and day!

  Happy XXXX (class) day!

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