“范文大全” 演讲稿

My future is not a dream

发布时间:2017-01-17 来源:演讲稿 手机版

My future is not a dream

  good morning, ladies and gentlemen, i’m very glad to make a speech here.

  as the song goes “ my future isn’t a dream .” i love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . i believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .when i was young my father always asked me what i would be in the future . sometimes i found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ i want to be a doctor .” “ i want to be a teacher .” and “ i ’d like to be a scientist !” many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . but i never think they are far away .

  how time flies! who is able to give a definition to his future ? i know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . as a student , i should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . my goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . i know it’s hard work , and i ’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . but no matter what they are , i’ll keep working on it and never give up . my teacher says there ’s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . even if i won’t achieve the goal , i have no regrets for what i have done , for i have struggled for my life .

  thank you

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