“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-01-10 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  in the modern society study english is becoming more important and popular. but when i was young, i didn’t know of this and prefer to play outside rather than learn english. but my mother said :“english is the necessary tools to talk with foreigners, so you should study in an english class. believe yourself, you can certainly study english well!”finally i agreed my mom’s opinion and began to study ladder english when i was five.

  at the beginning i was happy to study, because it was fun in the english class. we played games, and only studied five words, sentence a time. we also learned to sing a lot of english songs. in this studying environment, i was interested in english for the first time.

  when i was in grade two, my mother thought that i should study english formally, so she let me study in the class of teacher ye of young palace of beijing. in her class i began to learn the new concept english and touched the grammar for the first time. teacher ye let us practice the oral english, listening and writing. although i should remember much more words than before and had to practice listening and writing every day, and must take the crowded bus to school for two hours every week, i was very happy because i could learn much knowledge that not taught in school.

  with my mother and teacher’s encouragement and teaching, i studied very hard and won many prize in the competition. when i was in grade four, i passed pets 1 with the score of 88 of writing, and 5 of oral english, and i passed pets 2 in grade five. i was very happy and excited because i had the experience of talking with foreigners, and even used english to help some people when they met the communication problem. i was also very proud when the foreign

  up till now, i have been studied english for about 6 years. i deeply realize the importance of learning english. i will continue to study in the future, and i really appreciate my mother and my english teacher,too. this year beijing will host the XX olympic games, i believe that master english well will certain help me to do some useful work for this olympics.

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