“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2016-12-21 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Respect each appraisal committee teacher, schoolmate, everybody is good, I am7 class of XXX, today my topic is Thanksgiving everywhere..

  The birds are feeding situation, sheep milk are kneeling grace. We, human, as masters of the universe, also there is gratitude, gratitude. Thanksgiving is the source of power, love of the root, the courage of the. Let us learn to Thanksgiving, harvested in different life.

  First of all, we should be grateful for our parents. Because the love of parents, we came to this world. We live to love, love is to carry out, let the world be full of love, let the world is full of gratitude. Our parents, not only because they brought us to this world, but because they are selfless love, has raised us up, the education of our life, our responsibility, share the burden, happy with our happiness. Parents, is our life will always be the one, even if we always with gratitude.

  Then, we want to live a life of gratitude. Because of life, let us grow. In this process, we may experience more failure, but because of a failure again and again, so that we will become more splendid success, so we should appreciate, thank you for these teaches us how to have better life failed, thanks to these make our life more brilliant success. Thanks to life, let us experience again the story fresh, let us experience more rich. Thanks to life, let us know Thanksgiving is valuable. Because Thanksgiving, we grow up happily.

  Then, we want to thank friends. What is a friend? Friend is who grows with us, is the most loving thing and the people you share. Friends are those in your fly high very fast when, not screaming for you, not about how you badly, but to worry you won't fall down,


  The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open. I said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. If you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movements.

  Then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?

  First thanksgiving their parents, because everyone's life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.

  Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.

  Students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.


  Thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart of Thanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to all people expressed their gratitude, remember, Thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character.

  Thanksgiving is the key to return. Return is the feeding, training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulance themselves. Grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times the pay, and repay them with practical action.

  Then, as a middle school student, how Thanksgiving?

  First Thanksgiving their parents, because everyone's life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.

  For the survival of nature is the basis of all things, human life is inseparable from its 1:15 activities, we have the basic necessities of human nature, and so on are obtained from the Therefore, we should be thankful nature.

  Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers respect, understand and care for us, their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should Thanksgiving teachers.

  Students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.

  The school provides us with a good study environment, our training establishments and room to grow and develop, we should be thankful schools.

  The motherland is our roots, our source. No homeland, we did not have the habitat of no motherland, we will be no human dignity; no homeland, we have not all! We should be thankful.

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