“范文大全” 演讲稿

300字英语演讲稿:My school dag

发布时间:2020-11-05 来源:演讲稿 手机版

  演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。 以下是范文大全小编整理了300字英语演讲稿:My school dag,供你参考。

300字英语演讲稿:My school dag

  300字英语演讲稿:My school dag

  nowadays more and more young people prefer to follow the fashion. the word 'fashion' is generally used to mean style in clothing. they make people handsome and cool. also, fashion can be something strange. from that we can be different from others. but all of these can change from time to time. and valuable personal qualities and characters never change. so i think they are the true fashions.

  helpful and warm-hearted is a kind of fashion because not everyone can be like that. if you are not willing to help others, it is difficult for you to get along well with others. if you can always have a lot of friends, you are fashionable.

  love is always important in the world. many people around the world need care and love. if you can show you love to the people in need, you are fashionable.

  to protect the environment is fashion. if you don't use the plastic bags and do something to protect our earth, you are fashionable.

  so let's form good personal qualities. let's follow the fashion.

  400字英语演讲稿:Never Say Die

  "never say die, i've been down this road before. i'll never quit, i'll never lay down." it's the song named "win". it tells us never say die.

  seeing this topic, what first strikes my mind is the group of blind football players who won the silver medal at the beijing paralympics games. what they did shows the spirit of the old saying “never say die”. instead of giving up because of their blindness, they have redoubled their efforts and they did wonders.

  never give up, even though there are many difficult things waiting for you. if you try your best, maybe there will be many successes behind you the next time.

  i once read a book called "the count of monte cristo". in the book, it says, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words, wait and hope. just try your best, wait for the success and hold on your hopes.

  trying times will pass, as they always do. face the trouble heroically

  and just have patience, your dreams will come true and you will surely win.

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        篇一   各位领导、同志们:大家好!  此时此刻,我能以一个竞争者的身份走上演讲台,向各位展示自己,心里既激动又紧张。激动的是我幸运地赶上了公平竞争的大好时机,紧张的是我害怕有负领导和同志们的厚望。但无论如何,我要对局党委这一英明而富有魄力的决策表示衷心地感谢!并借此向所有关心支持我的领导和同志们表示深深的谢意!至于说到对竞聘的认识,我想局属××单位竞聘的成功实践已经作出了回答,全局上下呈现出的百川归海,百舸争流的可喜局面就是最有力的证明。对此,我一举双手赞成,二要积极参与。我要竞聘的职位是业务科室副