“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-09-11 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Dear teacher and classmates:

  I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I\'d like to talk something about English.

  I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

  When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

  Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.

  On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

  I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.

  I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I\'ll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan.

  I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

  If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.


  Many people yearn to be more self-confident. Yet they have no idea how to achieve that objective. They look at others who have the gift and say, “Hey that’s what I want. I hate feeling unsure of myself. I wish I could stop obsessing about what others think of me and quit worrying about disappointing other people. I want to stop anguishing over my decisions and torturing myself about my mistakes. I think it would be so great to feel self-assured, hold my head up high and stand tall. I’ve never been self-confident. I wish there were a way I could be.”

  There is a way. You don’t have to be born with self-confidence. Self-confidence can grow and flourish and ripen and blossom until you actually come to feel as though there is a different person inside of you. Here are some insights that might facilitate the quest.

  Learn what a self-confident person is really like. They are not cocky, know-it-all people who don’t care what anybody else thinks. They have their doubts. And make mistakes. And are far from perfect. However, they are willing to acknowledge their inadequacies without dwelling on them. They do this by maintaining a sense of humor, putting problems in perspective, and focusing mainly on what they’ve done right, not wrong.

  Though self-confident people do believe in themselves, they don’t try to suffocate others with their ideas or beliefs. They are confident in what they know not only because they read, learn and think but also because they respect their instinct, intuition and the unique body of knowledge that they’ve developed by living life. They realize that one doesn't have to be labeled an “expert” to believe in one's own truths.

  Self-confident people don’t undermine their own worth by comparing themselves with others, only to conclude that they aren’t “good enough”. They appreciate their strengths and accomplishments and can acknowledge, without embarrassment, their weaknesses. They don’t live in the “victim” position. Even if something really bad has occurred, they turn it into a challenge, remembering to be grateful for the little things in life.

  Self-confident people let the world know who they are. If they want something badly enough, they know they have every right to “go for it.” Yet, they also know that the path will rarely be easy. Mistakes, blunders and failures are part of the learning process. They seek to learn from their mistakes and do not waste time torturing themselves over what “could have been”.

  Self-confident people are not obstinate people. If they have an idea about something and it differs from the way another person is thinking about it, they will usually try to look at it from that person’s point of view, see why it makes sense to them. Yet, a confident person’s sense of self is grounded. It does not blow in the wind. Their ideas do not fluctuate based on what others deem are important.

  I hope these insights are helpful to you. If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actress Phyllis Rashad once said, simply but eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am is a lot.”


  Founder of Success Napoleon Hill said: "The self-confidence, manage human use and the only channel universe, Infinite Intelligence is all the 'miracle' of the foundation of all scientific laws can not be the birthplace of the mystery of miracles . "he also said that such a thought-provoking words:" If we analyze the personality of those outstanding figures, you will see they have a common characteristic: they start work before, always fully believe in themselves the ability to remove all difficulties and obstacles, until victory! "

  Indeed, in large part to promote confidence in a person's success, many people start from the history we are all evident. Confident people from distress to rescue, you can see the successful people in the dark light, can give people the power struggle. Perhaps you could say: "With confidence, you have half the success."

  Work the same two people, self-confidence of people at work in a more relaxed when the Association of the way through: Dang good job done, we will consider it for our own strength, in the event Shizaiwufa completed The task, then that might be really difficult task in itself. The lack of self-confidence of people will bring success to good luck, the ability to not fail as their own home. However, as this little psychological difference, although the two spent time and energy are similar, but often more self-confident side of the gain is much greater.

  How many scientists at home and abroad, especially inventors, which is not tackled on his own confidence in what the project? Will fail again and again again and again aroused their fighting spirit - they think: the more failures, the more successful near distance. But confidence is not an innocent person will be attached to the body, first of all who have genuine talent, then can there be real self-confidence, and use it as an extremely useful power. Empty full of confidence, it would only say it is presumptuous Bale. This so-called "confidence", not only failed to promote human progress, but unfriendly.

  King of the hill Network commentator said: "There is no real thing, only the confidence, the future is only one - dead, and done for." This sentence sounds excessive, but in fact the only self-confidence if it is indeed a very dangerous.

  Similarly, in our study, only self-confidence is not enough, self-confidence and efforts should be organically combined. Some students often see the occasion of the examination, not the least bit nervous, confidently into the examination room. However, after examination, this part of the students in some scores of deadly accuracy, and some fraction is ashamed to see people. This seems unreasonable thing is very simple: this part is both a kind of self-confidence in students, but also hard to study hard; a single self-confidence, but did not pay the effort. These two types of students are full of confidence seems to examination, but usually not the same as the accumulation of knowledge, different consequences.

  So, we life, you should do first one full of classics, before a confident person. Because confidence is just a void of power, want to be successful, you have to give confidence to attach to "hard work" on the burning of the mechanical self-confidence, so confidence should force it to play out.

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