“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-08-03 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Let us join readers over the last century who have been excited by plain Jane ’s journey of self-discovery.

  For a woman who was emotionally, socially and morally repressed for years, any public attention that could have been given to her was more than she could have hoped for. She was able to utilize her own experiences to create something that others could enjoy and she had every right to be proud of that. This woman is the author of Jane Eyre-Charlotte. Her experience was reflected on the character of Jane Eyre. This is what we must accept of Jane Eyre.

  The development of Jane Eyre’s character is central to the novel since early childhood, Jane felt exiled and ostracized, and the cruel treatment she received only exacerbated her feeling of alienation. The red-room could be viewed as a symbol of what Jane must overcome in her struggles for freedom, happiness and a sense of belonging. Afraid that she would never find a true sense of home. Jane felt the need to belong somewhere, to find "kin" or at least "kindred spirits". This desire tempered her intense need for autonomy and freedom. In her search of freedom. Jane is in the dilemma of what type of freedom she wanted.Whill Rochester offered her a chance to liberate her passions.Jane came to realize that such freedom could also mean enslsvement. St. John Rivers offered Jane another kind of freedom.He opened to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. But Jane eventually realized this freedom would also comstitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check. Jane sesarched love ,not just for romance, but also for a sense of value.She struggled to find a balance between love and freedom. From befinning to end, Jane possessed a sense of dignity and principle, a commitment to justice,a trust in God . In her quest for independence and self-knowledge,Jane escaped Brocklehurst,rejected St.John and came to Rochester only after ensruring that they may marry as equals. Jane’s indenpence and integrity are continually tested through the novel.

  All of the reviews appear that Jane is an intelligent, honest ,plain-featured young girl repeatedly succeeded in asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice human and dignity. She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment.

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    • 优秀励志演讲稿

        演讲稿是一种运用非常广泛的文体,无论在会议上,还是在演讲比赛上,都能够派的上用场。下面是范文大全小编为大家整理了关于优秀励志演讲稿5分钟3篇,欢迎大家阅读。关于优秀励志演讲稿5分钟篇1  成长是需要时间的。你惟一要做到的是,看准了目标以后,充满耐心地,充满坚韧不拔精神往前走,这就是我们成长的过程。  我们人的生活方式有两种:第一种是像草一样活着,你尽管活着,每年还在成长,但是你毕竟是一棵草,你吸收雨露阳光,但是长不大,人们可以踩过你,但是人们不会因为你的痛苦而他产生痛苦,人们不会因为你被踩了而来怜悯你