“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-05-31 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  she kindled a third match. again shot up the flame; and now she was sitting under a most beautiful christmas tree ,far larger, and far more prettily decked out, than the one she had seen last christmas eve through the glass doors of the rich merchant's house. hundreds of wax-tapers lighted up the green branches, and tiny painted figures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down from the tree upon her. the child stretched out her hands towards them in delight, and in that moment the lights of the match warm quenched; still, however, the christmas candles burned higher and higher, she beheld them beaming like stars in heaven; one of them fell, the lights streaming behind it like a long, fiery tail.

  “now some one is dying,” said the little girl, softly, for she had been told by her old grandmother, the only person who had ever been kind to her, and who was now dead that whenever a star falls an immortal spirit returns to the god who gave it.

  she struck yet another match against the wall; it flamed up, and surrounded by its light, appeared before her that same dear grandmother, gentle and loving as always, but bright and happy as she had never looked during her lifetime.


  Individuals in the clabody, do not neglect your own existence, you are in claevery body part. You know, what you say will affect the class, everyone's heart.

  Morning, you usually do not change with the same clothes, not a deliberate show, has long been greet others eyes, while she (he) did not show the share of excitement you might expect; noon, you buy the dumplings and not usually eat rice, this time, you certainly will not find other people's attention quietly into the heart of the Harbour; evening, you may have noted that you in the sports arena in robust posture from time to time lead to her (his) eyes appreciation ; lying about the meeting, or you are the central topic of the night. You know, you group everyone in love with you! They were destined to become a good friend in life your life.

  Do not ignore the people around you who care about you? As long as you have them as your friend. If you experience any difficulties, think of friends around, think about the people around you that care, think about organization, think about your father, mother, think about your counselor, think about time for you hard working people. They are good-hearted, they are helpful, they are caring of others. These setbacks, the difficulties faced by them, they would lend a helping hand. Person's life will encounter this difficulty, he might not be completely resolved out, this time must remember the people around for help, for help. Think of what you are willing to help others, others will be quite willing to help you. Open your mind, free your mind, love is always around us.

  Birth, the first cry cry out, but everyone laughed. Why? Because the new life brought a different dynamic. From then on, you will have a new meaning of life, mother, your father, your grandparents, your grandparents, your relatives and friends, your teachers, your counselor, your friend, your roommate, your spouse, your children, you all all. See all around us people are concerned about you, love you all, because of their concern for life, it is particularly meaningful, life also because of their concern and it is particularly exciting. For themselves, and to others, so that the release of your life more colorful light, because people care about you, for them, you have to cherish your life, you need to get beautiful life together.


  Reference model:

  Dear every leader, teacher, dear students: hello, everyone, the title of my speech today is: "I love reading!

  In the blue sky, who is the most happy? Is the bird, because the blue sky gave the bird a pair of hard wings; In the vast sea, who is the most cheerful? Is the fish, because the sea gave the fish a vast world; If you ask me what is the most happy, I will not hesitate to answer: read! Because the book gave me infinite knowledge, gave me the wisdom of the mind, the book gave me a broad world. I think the happiest thing in the world is reading a book. In the book to read, in the hands of the a treasure, opened the read that a pious. When you read, your mind in it in the book, your emotional ups and downs in the book, this is the charm of the book.

  When I was a child, I grew up in mother's story. In each night, under the soft light, mother began to tell me interesting story books, listened, I slowly, unwittingly entered the sweet dreams - in blue in the night sky leisurely, I seem to become a star with wings, flying freely in the universe... Suddenly, I dreamed that he turned into a story of bambi, kindhearted dwarfs, poor stray dogs, stray cats... Listen to mother those amazing beautiful story, staring at the mother's hand book, I started to know, the original there are so many interesting stories in the book! From then on I began to love books,

  In my spare time, I like a man immersed in the sea of book, taste the story in the book quietly. I was down to the little match girl sympathize with tears; Had to "the emperor's new clothes" stupid emperor and laugh; More Madame Curie, Nobel they pursue science, strong dedication spirit and moved. I was like a busy little bees, tirelessly to collect pollen in gardens, and like a sponge, day and night to water in the ocean of knowledge. I learned from the book in infinite wisdom and power. When I grow up, I have a more profound meaning of the story in the book. Great poet johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said "reading a good book, like with a group of noble person dialogue." Yes, a good book, can give us the power of the spirit.

  Literary masters have insight and vision, to infiltrate seen their own ideas, communicate with the reader in the book, therefore, in the book there is the spirit of the masters. "Notre Dame DE Paris" is full of fury, Hugo to corrupt society is permeated with he to love, to humanitarian yearning, always flashing the light of human nature in the book; The true story of ah Q like needle pierced Chinese callousness of skin; "The analects" midstream shows the figure of Confucius' teaching; Pushkin's poetry is permeated with the hate evil rule... They taught me to identify good and evil, taught me to do good, to hate evil. From the book, I learned to appreciate and learn the true, the good and beautiful, I feel the love from the book, to understand the evil.

  In the process of reading, I also met difficulties. When I read something when swallowed, the teacher taught me: to read without thinking, is equal to eat without digestion; When I was on the words in the book after, mother encouraged me: read a book hundreds of times, its righteousness; When I write a diary to write a composition was dried up, the author's teacher told me, reading books and do not accumulate, like a person in baoshan, but came back; When is indiscriminate in bookstores optional I borrow, mother advised me: read a good book, and many noble people talk, instead it is better to don't read. Gradually, I see, one to read a good book, reading to accumulate, to read more to think about.

  I love reading. Book is the treasure house of knowledge, it is her, broadened my horizons and enriched my life; Book is the ladder of human, is she, help me to improve and progress; Books are the source of happiness, is her, to give me happiness, brings me satisfaction. Reading, how nice!

  "Asked canal which had so much, to have a source to." Boys and girls, let's drink the "origin", climbing the ladder of human progress, become a knowledge of the rich, the spirit of the giant! With the book, we have the whole world; With a book, we will have a better tomorrow! The classmates, and I love reading together! Let elegant companion we grow happily, let books to nourish our life!

  My speech finished, thank you.

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