“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-03-31 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  In the dream on the road of life, everyone has his own dream. Wolffy to eat the sheep, lamb is his dream; The cat to eat mouse, catch mice is his dream; Ultraman monster, the maintenance of world peace is his dream. A dream, we need to be brave to pursue.

  Everyone should have a dream, to find a warm haven; Everyone should have a dream to illuminate the road ahead, direction; Everyone should have a dream, towards the other shore of success. The students in order to his dream to strive, admitted to the ideal school. Company staff to get promoted, to strive, to work; National leaders to give people a better life to struggle. Now that have their own dream, you got to try to achieve it. Even if tired, also want to do my best to complete. There are a lot of things, as long as you a lax, it is fleeting.

  Confident, just can have the will to fight. Bacon once said that in prosperity is not without worry and the worry, adversity is not without comfort and hope. Dream journey will inevitably encounter some setbacks, as long as you don't give up, so will not give up your dreams. It has been said, it takes courage to give up more than face. If so easily say give up, so why should have? Liang qichao is well said, adversity hardship, is the highest school of hone personality. Yeah! Adversity is a kind of scientific value, is a good scholar will not give up the opportunity to learn. Faith is an unstoppable force. When you realized his dream, also not to get complacent. It will be your income in the next seconds gods are taken together. The greatest fight for dream. Success requires a "how", such ability can persistent pursuit. Optimism makes you on the journey to dream weavers, brilliant achievements in life.

  Blake said: "as fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and cold rain is its mature. Can cultivate a person's personality needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to also." Never say "impossible" to oneself, everything is possible! Move forward! To achieve own dream!!!! Best compare dream to flint, the more powerful it is knock, emission light is more bright.


  In the dream on the road of life, everyone has his own dream. Wolffy to eat the sheep, lamb is his dream; The cat to eat mouse, catch mice is his dream; Ultraman monster, the maintenance of world peace is his dream. A dream, we need to be brave to pursue.

  Everyone should have a dream, to find a warm haven; Everyone should have a dream to illuminate the road ahead, direction; Everyone should have a dream, towards the other shore of success. The students in order to his dream to strive, admitted to the ideal school. Company staff to get promoted, to strive, to work; National leaders to give people a better life to struggle. Now that have their own dream, you got to try to achieve it. Even if tired, also want to do my best to complete. There are a lot of things, as long as you a lax, it is fleeting.

  Confident, just can have the will to fight. Bacon once said that in prosperity is not without worry and the worry, adversity is not without comfort and hope. Dream journey will inevitably encounter some setbacks, as long as you don't give up, so will not give up your dreams. It has been said, it takes courage to give up more than face. If so easily say give up, so why should have? Liang qichao is well said, adversity hardship, is the highest school of hone personality. Yeah! Adversity is a kind of scientific value, is a good scholar will not give up the opportunity to learn. Faith is an unstoppable force. When you realized his dream, also not to get complacent. It will be your income in the next seconds gods are taken together. The greatest fight for dream. Success requires a "how", such ability can persistent pursuit. Optimism makes you on the journey to dream weavers, brilliant achievements in life.

  Blake said: "as fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and cold rain is its mature. Can cultivate a person's personality needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to also." Never say "impossible" to oneself, everything is possible! Move forward! To achieve own dream!!!! Best compare dream to flint, the more powerful it is knock, emission light is more bright.


  Dear classmates:

  Accidentally, found that we have stepped into the way old people envy, middle-aged people want to stay, the young man yearned for youth. Those with the blood of youth, is permeated with the passion of youth. However, friend you ever seek to think what is youth?

  Youth is bright flowers in March, the fiery red sun youth is July, October is youth beautiful charming red leaves, quietly elegant quiet snow in January is youth, youth is a spray of the rising sun, is with hundred Ge, fight the sky is the eagle, youth is happy note, is the symbol of our new.

  In modern times is an electrical fire limits to invite in the age of the universe, in today's world is a rapidly changing world of dazzling! Knowledge update with each passing day, science and technology advance by leaps and bounds. Delays are dangerous, laziness will fail! Has become an irresistible. In order to the take-off of the Chinese nation, each of us should do our best to go to work. Only fight for our country modern paint a perfect future, only can we realize the value of our youth.

  In a classmates if there is no struggle, and how to get out of the ideal university. Let us use wisdom and courage raised the ideal sail, with the era of youth and life played aspiration. Let we abandoned the confusion, mastered the course. Let us work together to unremitting scull, go and play the jiyang movement of youth!

  The classmates! We harness the ship of life, tried to sail to the youth's value to the other shore, let's move ahead strutting towards our bright future!

  Finally, I wish all my classmates in the coming mid-term examination, achieved satisfactory results, to realize the value of youth.

  Look forward to three senior triumph of the university entrance exam, win honor for our school, create the brilliance of youth.

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