“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-02-27 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  What is nature? It's everything that exists in the world independently of people, such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather.

  Now more and more people are focusing on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. No nature, no life. Because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. And we started to gain every thing available from the nature. And this lasted so long a time. Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse.

  What is threatening the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. Let's take overpopulation as an example.

  What does overpopulation feel like? When we move slowly through the city in a tazi. When we enter a crowded slum district. When the temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke. The streets are crowded with people. The streets seem alive with people. People eating. People washing. People talking. People sleeping. People visiting each other, arguing and screaming. People relieving themselves. People pushing their hands through the taxi windows, begging. People leading animals. People, people, people, people. As we drive slowly through the crowd, sounding the taxi's horn, the dust, heat, noise and cooking fires made it like a scene from hell! I admit, frightening.

  To the nature, overpopulation is a big problem. More people, more pollution. And the big population is threatening the nature every second.

  The rapid rise in world population is not creating problems only for the developing countries. The whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production can not keep up with the population increase. People in rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world's resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution. A baby born in the United States will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the world's resources than a baby born in India. Unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all.

  For most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth. For example, China has carried out birth control for years. And this plan has a great effect on the world population.

  If the population continues to increase, if the air and water continue to be polluted, if we don't do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining. Species and biological communities have difficulty adapting to change. Economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk. By protecting nature, we protect ourselves.

  Let's unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the land.

  We can make this world in which to live. Hand in hand. Control the population growth. Take good care of our nature.


  Dear ladies and gentlemen:

  Thank you for the warm welcome. It's an honor to be here today. I'm here on a mission. I have an important message. I'm convinced it will change your life. English is everywhere. English is a key to success. We must learn and master it.

  So many of us study English like hell. So few of us can speak it well. What do you think is the reason? The problem is right here! The problem is remembering. The problem is that we forget what we learn.

  Luckily , through years of research ,we've created a new way to learn . With this specially designed material and method, we can retain what we learn forever. It's called One Breath English.

  What is One Breath English? Why shall we learn it, what it all about?

  First, it's a breakthrough technique. It's easy to remember. It's designed to be memorized. Repeat nine lines like crazy. Speak as fast as you can. Say it within five seconds. It will become second nature. It will be ingrained in your memory. You will remember it for the rest of your life.

  Second, the material is full of life. It's not boring book English. It's the core essence of daily American speech. The content is uplifting. It's considerate and polite. People will like what you say. You'll gain confidence. You'll communicate better. You'll become a better person.

  Third, it's fun to learn. It's a five second test. It's just like playing a game. You challenge yourself. You race against the clock. You will improve every time you try. Speak English to yourself day and night. Speak English to everyone around you. It's fun to impress people.

  Fourth, One Breath English is very healthy. It's a fountain of youth. It will make you become younger. What makes people grow old? It's anxiety, stress and loss of hope. Reciting English will cure these problems. Chant it over and over. Say it to yourself again and again. Your anxiety, depression and loneliness will all go away.

  The bottom line is that One Breath English gets results. It's organized and systematic. This is a great discovery. It's totally revolutionary. It's unprecedented in language learning history. The English revolution is NOW! One Breath English is the way. Let's open our books and begin.


  A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and lay around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow… He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.

  Time went by… the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid, I don't play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don't have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.

  One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don't have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.

  One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time. The tree was happy, but it was not true.

  Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don't have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you…” the tree said.

  "I don't have teeth to bite,” the boy replied.

  "No more trunk for you to climb on.”

  "I am too old for that now,” the boy said.

  "I really can't give you anything… the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.

  "I don't need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied.

  "Good! Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, Come sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…

  This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad… When we grown up, we left them, and only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but that's how all of us are treating our parents.

    • 感恩父母的演讲范文

        学会感恩,孝敬父母。感谢父母,因为父母给予了我生命,使我来到了人间,长大成人,走自己的路。下面是范文大全小编为你整理的几篇感恩父母的演讲范文,希望能帮到你哟。感恩父母的演讲范文篇一  各位老师,亲爱的同学们:  大家好!我演讲的题目是《学会感恩,孝敬父母》。  开始前,我想先给大家讲个小故事。一艘载有数百人的大型轮船在海上失火沉没,许多人都失去了生命,只有九十多人生还。乘客中有一个游泳专家来回游了十几次,在连续救起了二十个人后因过分劳累双脚严重抽筋而导致残废必须终身坐轮椅,他一直大叫着问自己:我尽力了

    • 感恩母亲演讲稿3分钟

        每个人都是母亲身上掉下的一块肉,有人形容过生孩子,那就像你同时折断你20根肋骨,可谓,母爱多么伟大。下面是范文大全小编为你整理的几篇感恩母亲演讲稿3分钟,希望能帮到你哟。感恩母亲演讲稿3分钟篇一  俗话说,滴水之恩当涌泉相报。这句教育了一代又一代人,使中华民族成为世界上知道感恩戴德,懂礼貌的伟大民族。  其实,懂得感恩的何止于人类呢·你看,羔羊虽然愚笨,但它懂得跪乳,感恩母亲的辛勤养育。燕子虽然平凡,但它出巢后也知道反哺,报答母亲的日夜辛劳。动物尚且如此,作为万物灵长的人类,更应该具备感

    • 一分钟演讲学会感恩

        自古以来,感恩的话题永恒不变,感恩的歌曲源远流长,感恩的颂词代代相传,感恩的行动永伴你我。下面是范文大全小编为你整理的几篇一分钟演讲学会感恩,希望能帮到你哟。一分钟演讲学会感恩篇一  老师们、同学们:  早上好!今天,我国旗下讲话的主题是《学会感恩》。  同学们,在家中,当你吃着可口的饭菜,你是否感恩父母付出的辛勤劳动?当你穿着漂亮暖和的衣服,你是否感恩父母对你的关心?也许有的同学会漠视这些来之不易的东西,父母们每天要在工作岗位上辛苦的工作十几个小时,他们付出了多少汗水?可面对父母语重心长的教诲,我们

    • 感恩母亲演讲稿300字

        母爱是伟大的,母爱是无私的,以下是范文大全小编搜罗的感恩母亲演讲稿300字内容,欢迎参考和借鉴!感恩母亲演讲稿300字【篇一】  亲爱的同学们:  我们的身边总有一个人在默默地为我们付出。  是她,带我们来的这个美妙有奇幻的世界,是她,在我们一岁的时候精心的照料我们,而我们却又哭又闹,是她,在我们三岁的时候为我们梳妆打扮,而我们却穿着妈妈给我们买的新衣服在泥巴里玩耍,又是她,在我们七岁的时候送我们去上学,而我们却不听她的话在街上乱跑乱跳,还是她,在你成年的时候,她又忙着帮你操办婚事,她就是你的那可敬可

    • 感恩演讲稿大全5分钟

        感恩是美丽的,美丽如花。馥郁馨香。去种植你心中的感恩之花吧。下面是范文大全小编为你整理的几篇感恩演讲稿大全5分钟,希望能帮到你哟。感恩演讲稿大全5分钟篇一  首先我要感谢今天让我能够站在这里参加此次活动的所有的人,包括我自己。我今天演讲的题目是《感恩的心》。  有人说,忘记感恩是人的天性。当我们偶然来到这个世界上,什么都还没来得及做的时候,我们就已经开始享受前人带给我们物质和精神上的一切成果了。这就提醒着我们每一个人,要怀有一颗感恩的心。  怀有一颗感恩的心,才更懂得尊重。尊重生命、尊重劳动、尊重创造