“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-01-29 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  I work extremely hard every day, but I’m very tired.

  I need to work smarter, not harder. I must find better ways to do my job. I must find more time to enjoy life.

  I know hard work is a part of everybody’s life.

  But I work too hard.

  My hard work is ruining my health.

  My hard work is killing me. Other people have time for fun, going to bars and going to parties.

  All I do is get in my car and go to work every day.

  This life is too hard. I need to make a fresh start.


  Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. Today I’d like to talk about the importance of

  smiling and kindness. Life is like a mirror.

  When you smile, people will smile back. When you treat other people kindly, they will treat you kindly in return. Try to spend one day smiling and being kind

  to everyone you meet.

  You will see a big difference in your life. If you keep on smiling and being kind, smiling and kindness will become your habits. If everyone tried to do this, the world would be a kinder, brighter, and happier place.

  Start smiling right away. That’s all. Thank you.


  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  I want to tell you something very important today.

  I want to tell you that life is about choices.

  You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to enjoy life. You can choose to improve your health

  or you can choose to destroy it. I hope you will make correct choices.

  I hope you will choose to enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your work, and enjoy your everyday life.

  Life is a gift

  and we really should enjoy every minute of it. Join the group of people who make good choices.

  Enjoy your life!

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