“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-11-29 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  all our life, we will meet all kinds of difficulties, we have to face them and fix them, that is what our parents tell us. indeed, life is a journey, we will meet different people and confront with distress, most people feel uneasy when fail comes, they think there is no hope in life. well, we are always told that life is still going on even though we face difficulty. why don’t we smile with life, since we there is no way to avoid frustration, the only way we can do is to embrace what life brings for us, no matter what happens, just smile, everything will be alright.


优秀英语演讲稿:The Power of a Smile

  we are busier and busier now. sometimes we just feel stressed and painful and we forget to smile. please smile! smile to others around you. smile to the world!

  smile is important in our life. for ourselves, smile can make us happy and relaxed when we are sad or stressed. when you smile, the world in your eyes are better.for others, smile can make others feel comfortable and relaxed and they will like you.

  also, smile can bring you success. i once read a story. a salesman tried his best to sale things but always failed before. then he learned how to smile. he smiled all the time and others felt he was so kind and his smile was so attractive that they all wanted to but his things. finally, the man became successful.

  no matter you are happy or sad, do it now. the power of a smile is large. it can make all of us feel happy including yourself. smile to the world, to others and to everything.

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