“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-09-01 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Good afternoon, everybody, andhappy Thanksgiving.

  The office of the presidency --the most powerful position in the world -- brings with it manyawesome andsolemn responsibilities. This is not oneof them. (Laughter.) But the White HouseTurkey Pardon is a greattradition. And I know Malia loves it --as does Sasha.

  Generally speaking, Thanksgivingis a bad day to be a turkey. Especiallyat a house with twodogs. So I saluteour two guests of honor -- Caramel and Popcorn -- for their bravery. Theycameall the way from outside Badger, Minnesota to be with us. They, like my Chief of Staff, areVikingsfans. (Laughter.) I’m not sure that theyknow -- (turkeys gobble) -- uh-oh. (Laughter.)See. I'm not sure they know that that my Bears areheading to Minnesota on Sunday, but in thespirit of Thanksgiving, I'm going togive them a break.

  We are also excited to havestudents from Badger High School here. (Applause.) Where areyouguys? There they are, right there. And finally, let me say thank you to JohnBurkel, chairmanof the National TurkeyFederation. Give him a big round ofapplause. (Applause.)

  Now, 80 turkeys on John’s farmcompeted for the chance to make it to the White House, andstay off theThanksgiving table. It was, quite literally, the hunger games. (Laughter.) and then,after weeks of vocal practice and prepping for the cameras,the two tributes, Caramel andPopcorn went head-to-head together for America’svote as top gobbler.

  The competition was stiff, but wecan officially declare that Popcorn is the winner -- (applause) -- proving thateven a turkey with a funny name can find a place in politics. (Laughter.) As for Caramel, he’s sticking around, and he’s already busy raisingmoney for hisnext campaign. (Laughter.)

  On a more serious note, latertoday, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and I will bring a couple lessfortunate turkeysto a great organization that works to help out our neighbors here in D.C.whoneed it most. And I want to thankJaindl’s Turkey Farm in Orefield, Pennsylvania, fordonating those dressedbirds for the fifth year in a row. Thisis a reminder that this is a seasonto not only be thankful for the incredibleblessings that we have, but also to remember theneediest and generously servethose who are not as fortunate.

  This is a quintessentiallyAmerican holiday, and during this time we give thanks to ourfriends and ourfamily, for citizens who show compassion to those in need, and forneighborswho help strangers they’ve never met. Wegive thanks for the blessings of freedomand opportunity that previousgenerations worked so hard to secure for. And we give thanksfor the service and sacrifice of our brave men andwomen in uniform who serve our nationaround the world.

  For those of you who arewatching, you keep us safe. You make usproud, and you remind usof our own obligations to build on the work of ourpredecessors and leave something better forour own kids.

  So on behalf of the Obama family,I want to wish everybody a very happy Thanksgiving.Tomorrow, as we gather with our own friendsand family, we’ll count ourselves lucky that there’smore to be thankful forthan we can ever say, and more to be hopeful for than we can everimagine.

  And now, before these turkeys getaway -- with the power vested in me, I want to grantPopcorn a fullreprieve. Come on. (Laughter.) Popcorn, you have a full reprieve fromcranberrysauce and stuffing. We wish youwell. And we’re going to give Carmel abreak as well.

  All right? (Laughter.) Congratulations, everybody. (Applause.) HappyThanksgiving,everybody. See you, Popcorn.(Applause.) Get out of the rain. (Laughter.)

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