“范文大全” 演讲稿

英语演讲稿范文:Dream in my heart

发布时间:2019-07-30 来源:演讲稿 手机版

英语演讲稿范文:Dream in my heart

  We all have a dream no matter what it is. When I went to kindergarten the first day, the teacher asked my dream. I remembered I said I would be a scientist quickly, though I had no idea about what it was on earth. As time went by, the older I grew, the more I know. I know being a scientist is not a easy job. It is just a delusion as a child. Now I know my aspiration.

  I set the dream, being an international tour conductor for my life. Majoring in English is ready for it. In some degree, being an international tour conductor is the motion to choose the major. If I can speak English well, it would be better for me to communicate with foreigners.

  This year I’m a sophomore, I know what the college is for me, I know the world around me and my career plan should carry on from now on.

  I think it is possible, because I love the job, I have the passion. On the other hand I have the potential to do this job. I’m outgoing, easygoing and of course I like getting along with the strangers. Mostly importantly, I’m patient which is a basic essence in the tourist industry. The gift of tongues and my inner quality must contribute to this.

  What should do next is to obtain the tourist certificate. It is an admission ticket to get in this traveling field. I will work for it. Then I will be harder at learning English: listen, read, translate, speak; leading to make my voice heard and communicate more fluently which is really something.

  Then the important role is time management which is a vital step on the way to dream. If I make the full use of it, that is to say, what the time really counts is what the end is after its gradual cumulation, it will be easier for me to realize my career dream. During the weekdays every week, I will make out the schedule to remind myself what I need to do next. Step by step, day after day, I will make little progress everyday. At last it wouldn’t be little.

  I only have three years to prepare for it in the college which is a good place to learn and develop for me. Now I’m saving up strength to start out. There is a long way to go. I will try my best to achieve the goal.

  No one knows what will happen next! Everything is possible, if we work hard. What my future would be like? It is up to me not others.

  Anyway, it must be an unusual experience to build my own future, hold on the dream and take action.

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