“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-07-18 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  It is always an exciting day in New Year Eve as the majority of people in the world are in very good mood of celebrating New Year. There are numerous New Year parties around the globe where many children are re-united with their families, young couples are together with their newborns, grandparents are taking their opportunities to spend some quality time with their own children as well as grandchildren. And the list goes on and on.

  Just what exactly is New Year Eve? In my own view, I think there are two sets of meaning.

  First, New Year Eve represents hope and a new start of the year. Hope is important to mankind. The symbolic meaning encourages us to put all our bad luck behind us as we look forward to a fresh start from the first day of the year.

  Second, New Year Eve represents bonding between mankind. This important day grants all of us a chance to stay close to someone we love dearly. As we spend time with them, perhaps, we ask them how they are doing lately, or we find other ways to show someones how much we care for them.

  What else do we get out of New Year Eve? Joy is the feel good factor. It means we enjoy being with someone. And joy is something that money can not buy in this world.

  Thank you very much.








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