“范文大全” 演讲稿

Everyone has his own way

发布时间:2019-04-30 来源:演讲稿 手机版

Everyone has his own way

  Everyone has his own way

  Some days ago, two pieces of foreign news surprised me very much.

  In the US, a boy of 18 years old won the mayoral election in his town and became the youngest mayor in the US. A similar thing happened in Britain. A boy who just graduated from high school at 19, set up his own airline company.

  After reading these news ,Chinese students may admire their skills in getting such important work. But have you ever thought why you can't have the same success? Because of heavy school work, many high school students in China have to devote themselves into their studies and forget about other things.

  But actually this is not wise. Everyone is different and there is no need to follow the life paths of our ancestors. the first boy I mentioned became very fond of politics since he was a child.And he cared about society ever since. And the latter was crazy about airplanes and took every chance to learn about them. Both of them followed their interests and then succeeded. So we also can find our way for our life, as these boys did? We should consider our interests when planning our life, because doing this can be more exciting and and of course much easier to succeed,for interest is our best teacher.

  But dreaming alone is not enough. A good education quite necessary to a successful career.It helps to broaden our horizons, so we understand more about ourselves and therefore perform better. Moreover,if we don't work hard, a dream is just a dream, and will never become true.

  Today, we live in a colourful world, full of possible dreams and opportunities.So, don't just follow what we have been told, but plan our future and do some basic work to make it come true. This really will make our life wonderful.& Let 's find our own way for our life

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