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My Birthday Party英语演讲稿

发布时间:2019-04-21 来源:演讲稿 手机版

My Birthday Party英语演讲稿

  Hello everyone. My name is Yuki. I’m so glad to be here. My topic is my birthday party.

  Today is my birthday party. My parents held a birthday party for me. There were a lot of people in my party: my mother, father, sister, brother and 4 of my friends.

  First, my family and friends gave me some gifts. My mom gave me a red shirt. There is a big cat on it. My dad gave me a lovely hat. And I like most is the umbrella that my good friend Lisa gave me. It’s purple and big. What’s more, purple is my favorite color.

  Later we sang the birthday song and ate cake. We really enjoyed the strawberry cake. It’s so sweet and yummy. Further, we saw the 4D movie The World Sea. That’s so exciting. We love it very much.

  It’s an awesome birthday party! We all had a great time. Thank you.

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