“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-04-14 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I am Mike Crapo and I represent the people of the greatstate of Idaho in the United States Senate.

  This season is a time to gather with loved ones and celebrate the birth of our savior, JesusChrist. An important part of Christmas is remembering our Father's love. God loved us so verymuch that He sent His Son to earth so that we may better understand that love.

  As we love and care for our families, strive to protect them, and always no matter how grownour children get, long for what is best for them, we can start to grasp the magnitude of God'slove and reflect it not only throughout the Christmas season, but also every day. For manyfamilies, this time of year is when children learn charity and service to others, and realize thatgiving to others, is always more important than receiving.

  For those of different faiths, including those who choose not to observe a higher power or anyreligious faith, this season is observed with many different traditions. The season is a reminderof one of our greatest American values ensured by our Constitution: the freedom of religion.Many families spend the holidays volunteering to serve others in our communities. Thediversity of our celebration is part of the magic of Christmas. It brings people together in somany different ways, especially in service to others.

  We all know people in our communities who are making good things happen. They reach out tothose who are hurting, shelter those without and demonstrate examples of selfless servicethroughout our great nation. Many devote countless hours to lessening the burdens of others.To all those giving Americans serving others, please know that you are setting lastingexamples. Acts as seemingly small as caring words or holding a door generate a current ofkindness. Thank you, for your love and the kindness you share.

  As we gather together with our loved ones this Christmas, let us not forget to take time toenjoy the little and the big things more: The joy in the eyes of children; the laughs of friendsand family; the snow-covered trees; the food on our tables; clean water and heat – and all themany other blessings we have as Americans.

  This year, we have witnessed, both abroad and at home, the real threats to our way of life. Yetin the face of these unspeakable acts of terror, men and women still selflessly volunteerthemselves to defend families, neighbors, communities and our nation. Thank you, to all ourfirst responders and law enforcement officers who serve in the face of evil. And to the men andwomen of our military, many of whom are far from home right now missing their families andthe joys of this holiday season, we thank you. Your sacrifice and dedication to your country isa debt we can never fully repay. The men and women of our military routinely give so much ofthemselves so that the rest of us, as a nation, can remain free. And to the families, the many,many military families across this country, who set an extra place at their tables in honor of aloved one deployed in the service of our nation, we thank you. You too bear the cost of ourfreedoms and protection of Americans at home and abroad.

  For many, 2019 has been a year of great challenges and impactful events. The terrorist attacksand the continued struggle of millions across America and around the world are a glaringreminder that we cannot take our well-being for granted. As this year draws to a close, I hopethat those who have struggled will find optimism in the dawn of a new year. These challengeswill unite us and our compassion will match our strength.

  We live in a beautiful world with some very dark corners. I pray that more light can be shedinto the dark corners throughout this Christmas season and the year ahead and that God's lovecan be felt and reflected in every corner of our hearts, of our country and the world.

  God bless you all and Merry Christmas.

    • 竞聘演讲稿精彩结尾

      范文一  以“谢”圆场表真情  “我的演讲完了,谢谢。”  “最后,让我再次感谢领导给我这个难得的竞聘机会,感谢各位评委和在座的所有听众对我

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