“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-04-14 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Globalization is one of the most popular words in this era。 People live in a global village, enterprises come up with global strategies statesmen promote global cooperation, even anti—terrorism has become a global task。

  Today I want to share my opinion of which is that globalization with you ,

  When I was a little girl I looked forward to globalization because it’s said that globalization can make the world smaller and make it possible for me to talk, travel,exchange ideas and experiences。 I can eat any delicious food from any corner of the world, I can watch movie and TV programs from any producer, I can also extend our horizon and our mind quickly and conveniently。 Globalization sounds like a super hero that can bring everything to me。

  When I growing up ,I have noticed that globalization is both a a challenge and an opportunity。 In one hand , we want to attract more and more people become interested and excited about china ,in the other hand, there is much change happens in our living environment and we still want  to keep our beautiful scenery while enjoying cooperation with foreign companies and foreign countries。

  What should we do when we face to the phenomenon ?

  First of all I think we should have our national characteristics。 We should show that even globalization has its own home and globalization identity。 Second, we should make good use of globalization resources from any countries as possible as we can。 From that we can benefit from it in the long run。 The last one, as I just mentioned, people living in a global village, so we are the part of the globalization and sharing the responsibility to make our world more wonderful。

  In conclusion, I think globalization made our daily life more and more excellent, we should catch the opportunity to develop our hometown, our society, our country in every side。

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