“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2018-12-29 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  after 10 years, i will be a marketing manager, working in a worldwild company. i like to communicate with others, so i got a perfect relationship with my colleagues and my customers. i am the key person in my company, together with my team we achieved many commercial gargets which brought handsome income and reputation for our company. i like my job, i got satisfaction and honour form it. of course it make me rich.

  my family occupied the other half of my live. with my parents, my wife and love children, i will never feel tired. i like to drive them to the country to feel the nature. we taking picnic, seating on the ground, enjoying the family time. thanks god, my live is more than wonderful!

  sometimes, i will call my old friends to go to bar. we drink bear and chat to each other. during the chating, friends share the experience of work and try their best to find the solution. with the assist from the friends, impossible is nothing!

  this is my live after 10 years, it is simple, however, it is colorful!

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